Jun 17, 2006 20:44
I got a job for the woman who grooms my dogs. I wash them and blow dry and them stuff. I also have squeeze their anal glands which is kinda gross but I get use to it. Shawn is supposed to move down soon....hopefully. Thats pretty exciting for me and whatnot. So yeah. thats pretty much whats going on right now.
You know you live in Melbourne when...
1. You've slammed on your brakes to stop for cranes.
2. You know the speed limit over Pineda should be 80.
3. You're confused now...you always thought it was 80.
4. You've counted more than 5 dead animals on Wickham Road.
5. When you see new construction..you automatically say.."Not another bank!"
6. You've gone the wrong way on the round-a-bout in Suntree.
7. You know what "Tables" is and its meaning.
8. You almost forgot what rain felt like.
9. You are now immuned to the smell of a forest fire.
10. It's Friday night and theres nothing to do.
11. It's Saturday night and theres still nothing to do.
12. You will drive out of the county to get to a good mall.
13. You laugh at people that wear actual clothes to the beach.
14. Old men with floral print shirts and socks with sandals. Enough said.
15. You know that teenagers CAN drive....it's old people who CANT!
16. You've gotten a ticket in Satellite beach.
17. You went to Teen Zone....every Friday.
18. You know the nickname "Melboring" is not just a nickname its a fact.
19. You've been to Holmes Regional for some excuse or another.
20. Steak N' Shake has become a second home becuase it is the only place open past 9.
21. The beach is only slightly visible through the abundance of condos.
22. You can't go to Publix without seeing someone you know.
23. It seems you can't make one car trip without saying,"Wanna go to 7-Eleven?"
24. It's Sunday night and STILL nothing to do..
25. You know who Jon the Mexican is.
26. You walk into a classroom and there is sand around your desk.
27. You would drop dead to hear of Satellite winning a football game.
28. Most of your friends drive in golf carts as much as they drive in actual cars.
29. If you say you go to Satellite the first question you are asked is "Do you know Gay Ryan?"
30. You've had a dream of getting lost in "relocatables."
31. You can count the number of decent local ska bands on one hand.
32. You go to wal mart at 2 am... for fun.
33. You recognize the beachside/mainland rivalry, and the pros and cons of each.
34. Your teachers can surf twice as well as you can.
35. "The 3-2-1" has five immediate connotations in your mind.
36. Your local gang flies kites, as opposed to conducting drive-bys.