For those of you who care, Texas is hell. It's hot and all of my relatives are stingy with the AC...
I'm having fun though. I saw Superman yesterday and OMG had a squeeing fangirl attack when the music started playing. IT WAS AWESOME. GO SEE IT.
I'm going to see Pirates of the Caribbean tommorow. SQUEE! My cousin bought me a pendant of that coin from the first movie. I'm gonna wear it, 'cause I'm a geek.
I start interning with my aunt next week. I'm kinda freakin out.
From Wizard Magazine #178 August 2006, pg 68.
For the Love of War: Brandon Routh confesses his love for 'World of Warcraft'.
"I'm such a geek," admidts Brandon Routh with a little laugh. Yup, the 26-year old new star of "Superman Returns" may be playing the worlds most recognizable superhero on the big screen come June 28, but at home he plays Blizzard Entertainment's immensly popular World of Warcraft, a massive multiplayer online roleplaying game considered by some to be the Dungeons and Dragons of the new millenium.
"I've always been a big fantasy fan going back to middle school," he says. "I read Terry Brooks [who wrote the Shannara book series] and was a fan of Robert Jordan [who wrote the Wheel of Time series] and I even played the first Warcraft game actually! I just liked that world. I love medieval time and swords and horses and that kind of thing. It's fun to live that out, and I can play with some freinds who also enjoy the game. It's challenging and mentally engaging. It's just fun."
And although the star hasn't made it to "any of the big dungeons yet" in the game (hey, he's been shooting on of the summer's biggest films), he does love Strathholm, a dungeon in the Eastern Kingdom known for its oil rich resources.
"I haven't been to Molten Core or anything crazy like that," he points out. "But right now Stratholm is a pretty good one."
When pressed for details, Routh is hesitant to talk more about his involvement with the game because he's worried about how other people will react. "I'm not embarrased- I love that game," he corrects. "I'll just have people looking for me now."
LoL...he's worried about us geek discovering his secret identity. Just look for a character with big dorky glasses on who dissapears when the action throws down. BINGO.