So...A new year, huh??

Dec 30, 2009 10:04

Well, we all have good years, and not so good years. This one didn't completely suck at all. Generally, really positive and I have no idea what this next one has in store for me. I have my goals and intentions written down and have started "intending". This year, I'm going to go better...and a little bigger.
In no particular order:

Find me a man (or something)
Get the choir standing up and running
Organize my gull durned apartment
iMac. I wantz one.
Get on a more consistent, solid Fu practice schedule
Apply "thrive diet" with "meat options" (thanks R)...and watch me melt away.
Sing at Yoshi's
Become a full-time musician
Find kinky people

...and that's just a few. Pretty cool, I must say.

Whatever you will be doing this weekend, and the year following, may it be prosperous, happy and filled with good times...good times.
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