Mar 22, 2002 09:17
i knO i haven't written in a long azz time!!!;x lol..itz coo, tho. im aht school righ now, im off 1st, 2nd and 3rd hour..i ain't even kno..i coulda came in late lol. it wuhz funni, kuz i wuhz rushiin ta get here todaii + i had ta stop nd get sum gas, but i had ma momz gas card nd tha caerd kept gettin stuck an ma handz wuhz numb az fuhqq kuz it wuhz cold az i just gotta go afta i leave:[ lmao. uGh, im sooo bored. itz been sum drama uhp wit me tho. I wquhz talkin to diz boy named chris + it turns out his ex go to ma school (ex az in last yr)..+ she found owt i wuhz talkin to him..nd not like, about to hook up wit him talkin, but just coo wit him, an she startz sayyin shyt about we don't even kno each otha...thaz wuht suhqqz about it. but she IM'd me wednesday talkin shyt an i told her how i felt nd she ain't even say shyt ta me yesterdaii or itz kinda funni how bitchez be yappin dey moufz off aht'chu..yet they can't say shyt ta ya face. but iunno, she a senior,so she should just get ova it. buht im like datin jai now. i don't kno if it will werk owt, buht imma try it..koz he realli iz wen we first met..he wuhz funni nd shyt. i guess i can deal wyt his freakinezz. me, him, jordan nd sum otha niqquh goin owt tOnite..iunno where yet, buht they pikkin me uhp aht 8, soo i'll let cha'll kno wuht went down. i gotta math test 4th hour..i studied for like 30 minz..i juz can't concentrate on it..lyk steven mad aht me..nd uGh. itz like i don't even kno whut happebned dhiz tyme. buht o wellz..he don't want me ta talk ta him, soO im nOt. he hOe'd ha fuhqq owtta me thO..i woulda posted it buht i hadda restart. buht like, i guess he wasn't realli hoe'in me..buht jus like tellin me whut he thought about me n wuhteva. buht dayum. imma admit, it hurt me alOtz..ta be lyke dhat ta ya friend, u knO. buht oh used ta ppL not likin me, sO itz coo..i jus wish he wazn't tha wun that felt like dhat. an if i didn't care about him, shyt i woldnt even talk about his azz, buht i do. i feel betta now den dhat i said sOmethin lol. im talkin ta ma gyrl, esha she in dhiz cliqq we gotz online nd she frum detroit, too. lmao..i ain't neva met nowun frum dha D wit a tight profyle bsydez maself..lmao..ain't dhat sadd? buht yeah..i guess shyt will werk owt wit me. i mean, if ma bro gon be madd aht me..den i can't do nuttin abOut it, yannO. i juz hOpe i have a goOd weekend:] imma be owt..buhbyezz<3333