Title: Is There a Psychic in the House?
Genre: Crossover, Gen
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Psych
Characters/Pairings: Shawn Spencer, Juliet O'Hara, Carlton Lassiter, Burton Guster, Henry Spencer, Karen Vick, Buzz McNabb, Amy Pond, Eleventh Doctor, Shawn/Juliet
Rating: So far, all audiences
Word Count: 14,332
Summary:Not long after "Yang 3 in 2D" Shawn is relaxing outside the office when he strikes up a conversation with a pretty young redhead. Then he gets called on a bizarre murder case that just might have to do with aliens.
Notes: After my last story, I had people asking for Shawn to meet the Doctor, so here it is. It follows
It's a Gift,
A Psychic Detective's Investigation in Wales. Both include and original character and the second is a Torchwood crossover. You don't have to read them to enjoy this, but you might get more out of it.
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