Bindel transfails, Steerpikelet makes big plans.

Oct 29, 2009 22:03

Bindel transfails:

Steerpikelet responds: - please visit and help if you can!

I throw together some links and send them over. The following was written in haste and anger and sadness and could do with being scanned for fails, if anyone is interested and willing.

'no oppressed group ever insisted its emotional distress was the sole basis for the establishment of a right. Indeed, transsexuals, along with those seeking IVF and cosmetic surgery, are using the NHS for the pursuit of happiness not health.'
- currently, GID is listed as a psychological disorder that responds well to treatment with hormones and surgery. Like other psychological disorders, there is a proven genetic and physiological basis. It may have the highest suicide rate of any psychological disorder: 'studies generally report a pre-transition suicide attempt rate of 20% or more' - from

'GD has no proven genetic or physiological basis.'
- Yes, it has.
- summary -
- 'Regardless of sexual orientation, men had almost twice as many somatostatin neurons as women (P < 0.006). The number of neurons in the BSTc of male-to-female transsexuals was similar to that of the females (P = 0.83). In contrast, the neuron number of a female-to-male transsexual was found to be in the male range... The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions and point to a neurobiological basis of gender identity disorder.'

'According to this definition, a girl who plays football is trans-sexual.'
- Transsexuality is one aspect of transgenderism, which also includes traits of gender non-conformity. The medical profession does not label or define certain people as transgender: it leaves people to self-define for themselves, and assists those who ask for help. Assistance does not consist of pushing them immediately towards the operating theatre, because physical transition is not appropriate or helpful for all transsexual people.

'Transsexual surgery becomes modern-day aversion therapy for gays and lesbians.'
- She suggests that people may choose to legally change sex in order to become the sexual orientation of their choice: that they are simply trying to 'fit in' with our society.
Completely besides the glaring and insulting inaccuracy here:
Bindel herself is an outspoken 'political lesbian' - she chose her orientation, and defends the ability to choose.
- so it is reprehensible to 'choose' towards fitting in, and reprehensible to *not* 'choose' towards not fitting in:that one is a bad feminist if one does not 'choose' to reject men and become a political lesbian?

'Male-to-female surgery involves removal of the penis and scrotum.'
- No, it doesn't: and this 'removal' idea seems to me a cheap panic-inducing tactic: along with the idea of 'simply a man without a penis', it's dismissive and inaccurate. Surgery involves reshaping of tissue and preservation of nerve supply as much as possible. There's also the widespread idea (in this article, and others) that transition is *all about* the surgery - her constant use of the utterly outdated term 'sex change' and disproportionate focus on genital surgery is at odds with the actual process of transition, which involves many other factors and may not involve surgery at all.

The photograph used comes from this (rather nice-seeming) art project:
'The series is a correlation of two stages of transformation, pairing teen girls (12-14) with like adult male-to-female transsexuals... both figures are blossoming into womanhood, though each along a different path.'
Friend_of_tofu suggests:

Edit: and here's a rather nice article from Shakesville on this:

human rights, trans, link soup, health

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