Life is about battles and choosing what battles are worth the fight.
I think, well no i know ive picked the battle to win back
P. And so far, its just been going and progressing into something
b/c since our schedules and the 3 hr difference makes such
an impact... but at least we're talking! We havent sorted
out the details or really discussed if he was going
to "take me back," or "get back together,"... but at least
i feel good about it. I think it will be positive.
But of course its goiung to be a while, until i get back
to that comfortable place we once were in.
And what makes it even harder is that, while we are working
at 'getting back together' all of it is being done over the phone!
Its not like i can jump in my car and make it all
better with just the touch of my hand. Its been really
really hard. I just want to see him to make sure its
right. but it feels right... so why not at least go for
I'm also working on trying to convince him to come to
CALI to come to my graduation! At least one of the weekend
ceremonies. Im praying that he'll come.
On a happier note:
IM GOING TO MEXICO THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep yep, i got the internship i applied for in mexico this summer.
On a scholarship too! =) ... It originally was going
to cost $2000. But its all good! Cuz i wont have
to pay that much!!!! yaaayyy. Im so damn excited.
And the call was completely unexpected and she called
right after i had talked to P after our next day
"talk." I was really broken because all i wanted
to do was be next to him and i got really, really
depressed and sad... and *LITERALLY*, the call came 2 minutes
later!... 2 minutes later!!!!
aaahhh.... growing up has its perks i guess!