This is gonna be my final entry in this journal? Why you asked? Well for one, I don't have that much time to keep up with both. 2. Nobody reads this journal anyways and three, I've been mostly focusing on my profile on MySpace. You can view it by clicking the link below: I'm also updating my blog every so often on MySpace, so be sure to check there often to see what I wrote. I will still be viewing my groups and other peoples' livejournals so this account will not be deleted. Another reason why I'm not gonna delete this account is because some people may (or may not) want to read some of my past posts. So for those who did read this journal, I thank you for your time and I hoped you enjoyed reading my posts as much as I did writing them. Now if you are curious as to what I am up to now, just click on the link above and then read my blog. And with that, I'll bid a farewell to all of you! Much love and God Bless!
Kim B.