Access Denied

Oct 19, 2005 14:27

01. Make sure we have more than one thing in common. What's the point in friending if we don't have anything to talk about?

02. You are open minded and not homophobic. I love slash and yaoi. I won't stop loving it just because you hate it. Don't like it, don't add me. It's really that simple.

03. You don't mind me ranting/venting. This sometimes includes me being bitchy or whiny. I also have a tendency to be very depressing.

04. Don't bash any of the things I like in my journal by commenting. I can't stop what you post in your own journal but I won't tolerate it in my own.

05. Don't "TyPe LyKE DiS!!". That's just annoying and immature.

06. Comment, it's give and take. You comment on my journal, I'll try my hardest to comment in yours.

07. Do NOT bash or discriminate any of my friends! Don't be a jackass.

08. You can give a GOOD reason why you want to be my friend. "You sound cool." or "OMG I love your layout." won't work. (hint: list some common interests)

Think you pass the test?
Then please comment to this post with your GOOD reason why we should be friends. I hope you read my profile and all the rules carefully. I will only add people who comment here. People who add and don't comment won't be added back.

If you don't receive a comment from me within 3 days, you won't be added. If you're one of these people then please remove me from your friends list. Thank you.

friends only

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