Sea Patrol: Protecting Julie

Dec 27, 2008 21:01

 Blaze was staring out to sea while Hammersley sailed along, she wasn't feeling well. She heard someone coming up onto the deck and looked over at Swain who was looking at her concerned.

"Spill, what's is wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." She lied.

"I don't believe you."

"Well I'm fine, so you can go back to what you were doing."

"Ok," He Nodded and walked off. She sighed turning back to the sea and then got up walking back to her bunk when her phone called and it was her ex calling her again,

"What do you want?" She demanded into the phone not noticing Swain standing there.

"WHAT I WANT! I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK, YOU WILL GET HURT IF I DON'T GET HER BACK." The ex threatened and Blaze shook with fear.

"You....You will never get her back...I'll make sure......sure of that." Blaze said still not noticing Swain who was watching this and hanged up close to tears.

"Is everything ok? And don't lie." Swain asked sitting down beside her.

"My ex, he wants our daughter." Blaze said and she burst into tears turning to the medic burying her face in Swain's open arms, "He said if I don't give her to him, he......he.....he......he...... will harm me."

"It will be ok, I won't let him harm you or your daughter." Swain told her and she nodded in tears clinging to him.

"She is only a little girl, I can't lose my Julie, Swain I can't lose her." Blaze cried.

"Ok, ok. I think we should talk to the boss now, we'll deal with it together." Swain said and Blaze nodded slowly getting up as she held onto Swain's arm as he walked to Mike's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" He called and both stepped in, Blaze still had tears in her eyes. Mike looked at them concerned.

"Sir, my ex is threatening me, if that if I don't give my daughter to him, he will harm me. I can't handle the thought of losing Julie. She is only 4, is there anything the navy could do to protect us?" Blaze asked trying to be professional.

"I don't know really, we've never had a situation like this before. I find out and let you know." Mike said.

"Thanks sir." Blaze nodded and left walking into her bunk, sitting down looking at a picture of her daughter, tears in her eyes. Swain sat next to her pulling her into a hug and she cried into his shoulder.

"I'm going to lose her Swain, I'm going to lose her." Blaze wailed hard.
"No, you won't. Who's looking after her now?" Swain asked.

"My sister Zabrina, she's a copper." Blaze answered, "Swain, she won't survive if she goes to leave with her father." She started to cough from being so upset and Swain took her to the sick bay laying her down.

"Does she know what your ex is like?" Swain asked and Blaze nodded.

"Yes, listen whatever happens you can have a restraining order against him, full custody of Julie. Listen lye down, sleep and deal with it when you get up, but you need to calm down a bit." Swain told her.

"I don't want to be alone, can you or one of the others stay with me?" Blaze asked quietly looking up at the medic.

"I'll stay" Swain said as she fell asleep.

A few hours later

Blaze rang up Zabrina who helped her get the restraining order and told her the court date was in two days.

few days later

Luckily Blaze was awarded custody but her happiness was long lived when her ex kidnapped Julie. Blaze started to cry into the arms of Swain.

"He's gonna kill her." Blaze cried hard,

"He won't, just relax and let the police handle it, she'll be fine." Swain tried to comfort her.

"Swain this is all my fault, this is all...." She trailed off throwing up everyway. Swain took her to his house before getting her cleaned up.

"This isn't your fault, Julie will be fine. The police and FBI is doing everything to get her back." Swain comforted her while the two sat on his couch.

"How do you know that?" Blaze said still sobbing.

"Because it's their job, and I was a police officer before I joined the navy." Swain told her.

"How traumatic could this be for her?" Blaze asked lying her head on Swain's chest.

"Depends on what he does to her but I'm sure you can help her through this." Swain said when the door opened and Blaze gasped when Julie run to her and she rushed to her picking up her up, Zabrina smiling to her.

"Blaze, would you and your daughter want to move in with me?" Swain asked.

"Love to." Blaze said holding Julie near. Blaze and Julie moved into Swain's house and her ex got 25 years for kidnapping. Sally and Blaze got on very good and Julie enjoyed helping taking care of Swain's daughter.

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