
Aug 07, 2009 10:46

I’ve been trying to come up with a solution for my dual computer (PC and laptop) arrangement for a while.  I toyed with getting a KVM switch, but they tend to be more feature-rich (and expensive) than I want to deal with.  Around the time that we moved, I decided I would try to build a hardware device myself, and got all the parts I imagined I would need from You-Do-It.  I haven’t had time to sit down and do any fine electronics work since then, so the parts sat unopened in the bag.

Then a few days ago, I discovered Synergy.

In short, Synergy comes just shy of letting you share desktops across multiple computers.  Once configured (which takes all of five minutes), I could drag my mouse from the left PC monitor, to the right PC monitor…to the laptop.  Seamlessly.  It uses internal network addresses to do the relaying of signals, with one machine (the PC in this case) acting as a server and the other machines (in this case, the laptop) acting as clients.

Coolest thing ever!

Mirrored from Blog-at-McC3D.

synergy, electronics, networking, sharing, computers

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