It's meme teme!

Oct 17, 2006 13:54

Okay, okay, so the subject sucks. Anyway.

1. Have you had sex in the last week?

2. Have you kissed someone in the last 2 weeks?

3. Who's the last person you hugged?

5. What is the last thing that you drank?
Hot chocolate

6. Who is the last person you think about at night?

7. Elvis or James Dean?
James Dean

8. Who is one person you can't stand from high school?
Ms. Besozzi

9. What grade did you make in Algebra?
Something between an A+ and a B. I can't actually remember.

10. If you could have sex w/one person right now, who would it be and why?
Cody, because I love her and, in light of that, she's pretty much the only person I can conceive of wanting to have sex with.

12. Do you like someone right now?
Yes... ;)

13. What are you doing right now?
Working and this meme.

14. Do you think lesbians are hot?
As a generalization, no. Do I get turned on by seeing two attractive women who are sexually intimate with one another? Yes.

15. Have you ever "experimented" w/ the same sex?
Nope, no interest.

17. Favorite non alcoholic drink?
Mango nectar, probably.

18. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
The power of flight.
As a corollary to this answer, though, I'm always afraid of the term "wish" because the D&D spell "Wish" has scarred me, as GMs will typically use it to fuck the player over, rather than actually granting the wish. In this case, a GM might give me an airplane, enormous and unwieldy wings, a butt that shoots rocket exhaust, etc. These are, obviously, not what I'm looking for.

20. Do you know what tofu is?

21. Have you ever eaten it?

22. Do you know what a colonoscopy is?

23. Have you ever had one?

24. Do you know who plays at least a small part in every Adam Sandler movie?
Adam Sandler is rarely funny when he's playing Adam Sandler, so I tend to avoid his movies.

25. Do you want to go back to high school?
Oh hell no.

26. Who is your arch enemy?
The person most directly responsible for the spread, propogation, and endurance of religious belief and more generally non-critical thinking, whoever that is.

27. If you could go back to one time in your life and change it what would it be and why?
Meddling with the past is dangerous, because you destroy everything that you've enjoyed and learned about life from that point on. All other things being equal, though, it'd be spreading one particular rumor that ended up destroying a friendship I cherished.

28. This is for guys and girls - Do you or have you ever read Cosmo?
I've read it occasionally when I was bored and it was lying around and nothing else was there to read.

29. Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie crossroads?
No. She made a movie?

30. Do you listen to Lindsay Lohan?
Not deliberately.

31. Your favorite color?
Forest green.

32. Paul Walker or Ryan Phillippe?
I always enjoy Ryan Phillippe's performances.

33. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?
If pressed to choose (on a musical basis), Aguilera. Not a huge fan of either, though.

34. Smurfs or Carebears?
Probably carebears, as the idea of an entire community of males with a single female is somewhat disturbing to me.

35. Favorite ex?
This is an odd question. Though I guess I'd have to say Jen, my first ex. Despite our rather painful break-up and rebound period, we've become great friends and I value that.

36. Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band?
Whichever I'm least allergic to.

37. Have you ever paid to have your eyebrows waxed?

38. Do you shave your back?

39. Have you ever watched porn and thought it was funny?
Yes, of course. Most actual porn is fairly absurd. ;)

40. Have you ever flashed someone?
I don't think 'flashing' a girlfriend counts, so no. ;)

41. Who is your best friend?
Cody, hands down.

42. How many children do you want to have?

43. Republican or Democrat?
Centrist with moderate libertarian leanings. I think the government should interfere with the lives of people as little as possible, but I also think basic needs (like health care) should be provided for.

44. How many times a day do you watch the same movie?

45. How has myspace changed your life?
By making it slightly more irritable. MySpace is an obnoxious waste of time and just one more thing irresponsible parents can point to and scream, "zomg corruption of teh innozent!!1!1!1!111!!1"

46. How many dicfer's does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Har har har.

47. What scares you?
The way the world's going, religious fundamenatlism, deliberate ignorance, and political short-sightedness. None of my concerns relate to bodily harm or to me -- I'm fine, and can take care of myself. What I worry about are things that will damage the future of humanity (and, more specifically, that could negatively affect my children).

48. What makes you happy?
Cody, Mutants & Masterminds, House/Heroes/BSG/Smallville, Poker, doing well at work

49. If you could have one person in your bed tonight, who would it be?
Cody. And she'll be there!

The player of this game starts with the "6 weird things or habits about yourself." People who get tagged will have to post a blog telling their 6 weird things or habits as well. Make sure to post this rule clearly! At the end of your 6 weird/things/habits, you need to choose 7 people that you would like to be tagged and write their names down.

1. I find it necessary to point out when someone is wrong. Doesn't matter how inconsequential the matter is. I view this as a service, and welcome it when people correct me when I'm wrong (assuming I actually am). That it is not generally viewed as a service is a point of sadness for me. This includes not having a lot of patience or sympathy for tolerating eccentricities or irrationalities in others.

2. I stick to things long after I should give up on them. Like Captain Kirk, "I don't like to lose." So even when I well and clearly should just drop something, I stick to out of a sense of duty.

3. Problem-solving is the most rewarding thing for me to do. Successfully assessing and resolving a problem is the biggest self-gratification I can achieve.

4. I abhor leaving the house without a shower. I'll happily sit around all day in my underwear without a shower, but if I have to go somewhere, even if it's just for a brief stint to go to the store, I must have a shower first.

5. I abhor traffic. Even if I have to take a route that is longer in terms of distance, I would rather that over a more direct route with heavier traffic. The ability to govern my own speed is paramount to me while driving.

6. This is sort of related to #2, but I have an enormously strong sense of duty, to the point that it's almost elemental to who I am. I have a huge sense of duty to my family -- the desire to continue the family name is enormous in me, even though it was never really instilled into me by my parents. I have a huge sense of duty to my girlfriend -- my own needs will always take a backseat to hers, even if it frustrates or upsets me to do so. I have a sense of duty to my work, naturally, and tend to prioritize it over my school. I have a sense of duty towards my RPG groups, to the point where I soldier on playing even if I no longer enjoy doing so. Etc, etc.

I tag anyone who wants to do this.


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