
Nov 28, 2007 10:51

Many dreams....but this one is the main one I remember.

It started off at some form of party somewhere in Patchogue...like I think my brain thought it was at the Oar House. Basically I think it was the usual beach house people and perhaps some of my high school friends. I remember Amanda showing a video of her dancing and for some reason Aubria Ralph was in it and that seemed totally fine.

Eventually some unknown very attractive guy (who seemed to be the leader of a group of elite people) asked me what to do around here. I knew we were near the Davis Park ferry...so I told him that going to Fire Island was probably the funnest activity. He seemed confused about the whole thing...so I remember giving explicit directions to him (for some reason we were on a road that either went straight to the ferry or to some magical forest path) and told him all about how beautiful it was, etc.

As this was happening, he kissed me. Like complete shock because this guy seems to be the straightest human ever. And then tells me to follow him. He didn't seem creepy or anything and he was gorgeous so I did. I remember thinking only that Jane would miss me, but I figured we couldn't be gone long so whatever. We get to this elaborate mechanic's garage where we're sneaking around. I think he's trying to find a spot where we can make out in...but for some reason he is actually stealing a car a mechanic was working on. It was white and had no gas in it, which I found bizarre. But we drove for awhile and wound up in some other town that had a very swanky vibe. I remember him telling me something along the lines that I think with a woman's brain...and I countered with, "well, I'm gay". Then the car seemed to run out of gas and he luckily was right next to an open spot in apparently the destination we wanted.

The store was like an upscale Eddie Bauer type thing. But like VERY upscale. I remember the large amount of detail in the place, very wooden themed and elegant. The women working there offered desserts to us as we shopped. The place honestly didn't seem to sell clothes that were all that elegant. For some reason we went over to the underwear and they were definitely underwear I remember Dave having. I tried some on...but then the guy told me to like rush and I was like naked trying to change into the underwear so I was all mad and flustered. Then I think the guy sort of turned into Hart. He sort of disappeared and then I wandered around. The place was connected with like two amazingly beautiful places...a luxurious bar and an upscale restaurant. I sort of wandered around both, got lost a bit, but found this woman I was changing near (I remember her since she was beautiful, black and like bursting at the seems pregnant) and so I asked her if she seen this guy...and as I was asking her the sales women started saying how my dessert was ready and then I found the Hart-guy.

So we sort of went to the restaurant and basically observed the crowd. I remember this man walking in an elaborate/bizarre outfit. But I really remember this ridiculously loud obnoxious guy who was having dinner with I think, the owner. The guy was definitely a food critic as he was basically talking about the chef and all the colors he used. But then the owner guy said something and the critic responded, "oh my editor is not going to like the sound of this one bit." Then the owner started getting mad because this guy was so obnoxiously loud, and told him to really keep it down (which I found admirable since it was the food critic and all). The food itself was like, tri-color pasta. The whole place was like this seemingly AMAZINGLY LUXORIOUS place, but the products were just...normal...or sub-par anyway. But nobody seemed aware of that. Then I woke up.
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