
Apr 28, 2009 04:43

Its more stressful than ever right now, and yet, once in awhile, I have the best days I could dream of.

I am still working on a job. Nothing has gotten back to me and I'm starting to lose hope. I put out 15 resumes in one day, hoping to get anything back. Walked around the city in my nice clothes for so long that my heels were bleeding from my stupid dress shoes. I thought I had one interested person, but his company has yet to respond to any of my emails.

The way things are looking now, I may end up getting a shit job while i wait for a real one to pan out. I am considering looking into the local aquatic centers around here. With all my experience, I might be able to find something there.

Everything right now is so on edge. I seem to be having more and more trouble getting to sleep at a normal hour because I have so much on my mind, and when i do finally get to sleep, I wake up feeling still tired. IDK what to do.. I might just give in a go to the doctor.

I really need to finish all the projects I've started, but with my sleep schedule being so messed up, it makes it tough.

I am positive things are going to work out. I just need to stop being so stressed and try to let things work out in time. It'll come
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