Mar 03, 2009 15:55
Directions: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
aakman526 -
-Blazing Saddles
"Is it twue what they say about.. you people and how you are gifted... OH ITS TWUE ITS TWUE ITS TWUE!!!"
One of my most favorite movies ever. We used to sit around the apartment and watch it and laugh our racists asses off.
I used to eat icing right out of the tube/tub/container.... was the best snack ever when trying to stay up late... Pure sugar in cream form.. what could go wrong.
-salt + gatorade
I hate you for putting this on here btw. Ok so one time.. at the commons Zee and i were eating and the football players somehow bet me i couldnt drink a glass of gatorade filled with salt. I did it and made 20 bucks. They left and everything was fine till i started violently shaking and threw up for three hours straight. My friends took me to the hospital only to have the nurse tell me i had a high sodium lvl (NO FUCKING SHIT) but she did tell me if i had done that stunt with water i could have died... She gave me a soda, charged me 25 bucks hospital visit and i left.
-You! Yeah you! Fuck you!
HAHAHA our genius plan to stand up on opposite ends of the commons and just point at the other person and yell Hey you.. Yea you.. FUCK YOU and then calmly sit back down... it sounds like a great idea in theory, just to see everyones reactions, but we never got around to it.
-Smoking with Adam at his place
Ahh the good old days. Smoking with you two in his room, hotboxing it and watching old disney movies. Those were some amazing nights. And really, i never believed more that old disney was amazing until i saw Little Mermaid high and could enjoy all the hand drawn details