November will be a crazy month in gaming..

Nov 01, 2007 11:18

Back from a short research trip in Cyprus.. will post more about the events there later. Lots of stress, but enjoyable trip all in all.

In the meantime, I've found two more trailers for games I can't wait till are released. Not only that, but titles like Assassin's Creed, Kane & Lynch, Ratchet & Clank are also right around the corner:
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Halloween trailer.
- Project Origin (a.k.a. "F.E.A.R. 2") Official Movie 1.

Also, probably the most controversial game ever, Manhunt 2 is out now (not in the UK, but everywhere else). I might have to play through it at some point, not for the gruesome violence's sake, but actually for the storyline. I am a sucker for psychological horror games giving an in-depth "views" of sick people's perception of reality. That sounds horrible saying it like that, but I find it intriguing, kind of like how watching psychological films, like say Fight Club or say Jacob's Ladder. Manhunt 2 seems to have more of that aspect than the previous game.

life, phd, education, travel, gaming

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