Jul 07, 2012 00:18
whoaa..... long time no post here, but is a boring update, not much going on on my dayly life... so guess shall have to tell all those boring little bits of info nobody cares for.
Still jobless, despite some active and passive search, which leads me to a semy-good news, for last avent.
Finished painting the Drone Carrier for my Antarctican Army, of Dystopian Wars wargame, of which i do have still a lot of minis to work on..... only tookme 4 months to paint the damn ship since it arrived...
Confuzzled was a blast, and yet so is gonna be CabinCon in NEXT week (well, not next but almost, 17th to 24th of this month). And then in end of august, the so yearned EUROFURENCE, which still have to arrange the train from the airport to the con hotel.
Printer is dead... my old faithfull (and sometimes crappy) Epson Sx210 has oficially died... stopped recognizing the magenta cartridge some weeks ago, and after cleaning the chip's contacts (on both sides), and even plugin a new brand cartridge.. nothing, stuill does not recognices it.... gonna try another new cartridge, and if after such does keeping being stubborn... will be its end.... (at least still it's integrated scanner works fine)
Summer is here.... you don't have to remind me.... the intense heat is melting me!!! @v@;;; Am so eager to go to Cabincon and scape the oppresing temperature... ¬v¬;;;;
And finally, as denoted before,the good news.... just got phoned today to go work again in the post office... but only for two days-v- This monday and thuesday.. for about 100-120€.. not that bad after all! (even despite having to awake at 6:00AM...)