Sep 09, 2006 18:30
Damn i haven't made a journal entry in months so here one goes. I guess i'll start with me getting my license. I wouldn't say I overly practiced but i practiced because i didn't want 2 take the test over again and i didn't have 2 because i passed that shit. I was so surprised at how easy and fast it was i didn't even seem happy or shocked that i got it i just sat there like nothing happened and that was that. My dad took me 2 my test so we had to wait in a line full of cars for over a hour because there had 2 be more then 60 cars there in line plus there were a lot of drving schools there and there students get 2 go simutaneously(i dunno if i spelled it right) instead of waiting in line so i guess that's what took so long. I was so nervous going up the line i knew not to eat anything that morning because i'd probly throw it up or something. When it got 2 us my dad greeted the driving instructor and got out so the instructor could get in. The instructor was this grim looking white guy and when i went 2 shake his hand he didn't shake mine he just told me 2 get ready. I was like oh shit this motherfucker is racist ima fail this shit but then i remember my dad telling me that the instructors always act like this so i didn't pay it much attention. I started driving made a couple of turns or whatever and got 2 the parking part which was easy as hell then but harder when i practiced but i was happy about that. Then i made my 3 point turn and was out of there he told me 2 park and handed me a paper 2 take inside motor vehicles to show them i passed and get my permit stamped(they put some sticker on it but whatever). Since i knew i didn't have enough identification i knew i couldn't get my license then because my mom doesn't know how 2 keep track of shit typical her. But after we left my dad started calling up people like yo this motherfucker gotta license we better get a helicopter lol that made me laugh after being nervous for so long. This is all ima write for now at least i know i haven't gotten soft my entries and can still write a long as one so ima leave the first days of school for another entry which i'll probly write later but since almost nobody is on livejournal anymore ima probly wait till i go 2 school use some proxy shit 2 get on her that might get people intrested and they might go on here and see my entry and comment it cuz i don't like writing all this shit 4 nothing lol