Sep 09, 2004 10:40
ok ..hmmm lets see what has been up ... well another fucking hurricane happened another one is suppose to happen and i a really fucking tired of no x-box hot food and Cherry poptarts XD
My brother in law came to visit from new york...well him and his friend came to stay with my brother and his wife..and there three demon childern...but n e way i stayed the night 4 days in a row cause of the fucking hurricane...which we stood out side and watched.. hmmm what else ...i have not seen my best friend in a month and i am about to cry....the person i was depressed about last time is no longer an issue i have learned alot ...and friends are as far as it would have ever on that note i am fine
HELLO iKrA!^_^!
and ummmmm......welll everyone else i will call
and jhonathan is moving here soon....-_- i hope but yeah i can not wait to see bring you ass down here ....NOW!!XD......