my first 2lines

Nov 01, 2006 22:32

While many of you begin NaNoWriMo today, I am taking a suggestion from love_street and will be writing two lines of iambic pentameter each day in November. It sounded easy a month ago, but I’m finding it a little difficult to get the hang of the rhythm. It’s also difficult for me to write only two lines. I want to use this opportunity to practice writing without a net and it’s a little intimidating to write so little with no expectations of what direction the next lines will take. But I’ll write them and at worst I’ll be left with 600 nonsensical syllables.

When I look in the mirror I don’t see
What I think of when I think about me

Today I am grateful for the second day of my program being easier to complete than the first
Today I am grateful for the Saturday night live Halloween specials
Today I am grateful for my sister finding a new apartment that I fell good about her living in
Today I am grateful for my grandmother and her home made bread
Today I am grateful for directly and indirectly being a part of the dialogue

Today I acknowledge myself for kicking thru all of the excuses I was coming up with and exercising any way
Today I acknowledge myself for not expecting to be able to whip things out and practicing at them instead
Today I acknowledge myself for helping my sister move at the exact right time… not putting it off and not trying to do it as soon as I was able to either
Today I acknowledge myself for taking necessary precautions
Today I acknowledge myself for catching up with people

2lines, 43things, g&a

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