artist date

Oct 30, 2006 23:45

I had a spooky artist date this week. I spent a couple of hours making my Halloween costume while watching interviews with horror film directors. I had a lot of preconceived ideas about what it was going to take to alter the dress and sequined top I purchased (I was going for a Pat Benatar look). I thought it was going to require a lot of cutting and sewing, but as I looked at the cloths I saw that all I had to do was to sew on some straps to be tied in the back and I would have a top fit for a rock star that would also fit me. I then worried about being cold in the sleeveless dress… so I searched thru my sock drawer, found some old black pantyhose, cut them up and attached them to the dress. It all fast and easy and reminded me that things aren’t always as difficult as they seam.
I’m working on a horror movie script for a screen play writing class I’m taking and was hoping to be struck with a little inspiration by the interviews with horror directors I had on in the background. Nothing earth shattering came to me, but I think I will jump into my script with their wisdom in the back of my mind and see if I can figure out the simplest possible solutions to the problems I’ve been having with the story line.

Today I am grateful for the Indian summer
Today I am grateful for those two random rainbows flashing in the sky
Today I am grateful for friends unexpectedly calling and making a day of it
Today I am grateful for finding comfortable new shoes I like and the way they make you want to run
Today I am grateful for the check that came in the mail and the abundance that continues to flow into my life

Today I acknowledge myself for staying out as long as I wanted to and saying when I wanted to leave and being fine with the kind of company I was
Today I acknowledge myself for finishing what was important to me before allowing outside distraction into my day
Today I acknowledge myself for going out and getting what I needed
Today I acknowledge myself for breaking down what I need to get done
Today I acknowledge myself for utilizing leftovers

Today I am grateful to own a home and be able to do what ever I want with it
Today I am grateful to live so close to the best pizza place in town
Today I am grateful for spell check and thesaurus
Today I am grateful for my ability to think and reason
Today I am grateful for second hand clothing stores

Today I acknowledge myself for allowing my self to have opinions and recognizing that what I think doesn’t have to be validated by anyone in order to matter
Today I acknowledge myself for realizing that all I need to do to have the life of my dreams is to live it
Today I acknowledge myself for not taking things personally
Today I acknowledge myself for choosing my battles
Today I acknowledge myself for working my self into a frenzy

Today I am grateful for my age and wisdom
Today I am grateful for Advil
Today I am grateful for walking out into daylight after seeing a movie
Today I am grateful for fried pickles
Today I am grateful for being able to revisit spaces even if the place has not remained the same

Today I acknowledge myself for acknowledging the real people and allowing it to give me a reality check
Today I acknowledge myself for doing exactly what I could
Today I acknowledge myself for taking each moment as it came, not judging anything, for living and experiencing the act of living
Today I acknowledge myself for seeing both of the girlfriend for who they are
Today I acknowledge myself for sewing my outfit

Today I am grateful for making my way thru that traffic
Today I am grateful to have found that mask
Today I am grateful that I really wasn’t needed
Today I am grateful for old pantyhose
Today I am grateful to have friends to share secrets with

Today I acknowledge myself for quickly cleaning up the aftermath
Today I acknowledge myself for being powerful and in control in a difficult situation
Today I acknowledge myself for thinking before I spoke
Today I acknowledge myself for going with J and having no expectations, just seeing where the day would take us
Today I acknowledge myself for pinpointing my point of view and explaining my self

Today I am grateful for getting those chap stick stains coming out of his cloths
Today I am grateful for butchers
Today I am grateful for bjork, and how she produces music to go with any mood I am trying to set
Today I am grateful for 64 degrees being so much warmer than 62
Today I am grateful for the story line that came to me

Today I acknowledge myself for throwing away the food I don’t need but can’t resist
Today I acknowledge myself for my initial reaction being the best possible scenario
Today I acknowledge myself for keeping my focus on the journey when faced with the incessant talk about the destination
Today I acknowledge myself for talking to my teacher about my work
Today I acknowledge myself for taking the storyline that came to me down

I did my morning pages 7/7days this week. I filled up a journal this week. Whenever I start a new journal I am reminded of the first revelation the Artist’s way hit me with. I’d finished week one and was checking in for the first time and as I wrote about how the experience was for me I realized that it was the first regiment I had ever followed. Knowing that I had written 3 pages a day for seven days gave me a sense of accomplishment and pride and helped me believe that I could do anything. At times I don’t do them in the morning and may even skip a day or two here and there, but the fact that I return to them and do them continues to remind me that I am capable of anything as long as I keep at it.
For my artist’s date this week I made my Halloween costume. It reminded me that things aren’t always as complicated as I make them out to be. It was a good reminder that, while a project’s planning stage is necessary, one must move out of one’s head and on to the work for anything to ever get done. I think I might be past thinking myself out of new challenges ;)
I’ve been trying to let go of my need to have all the answers and always know what’s going on. This week I saw a documentary about hell and someone on the show said that in early constructs hell was a place where one was never certain about what was going to happen next and had no security. This struck me because it describes how I’ve been feeling lately. I had the thought ‘well maybe I’m dead and in hell’ but then I thought about all of my English classes and how that notion of hell might be interpreted. Ones life can be a hell of sorts if it is spent forever worrying about the future. And though one can never be certain of what is to come, peace is attainable by replacing the worry with trust.
This week I came face to face with the fact that I have the life of my dreams. The thing I trap myself with is the idea that I’m not secure enough. I think once I have ‘enough’ money I will be able to freely express myself. Every day I am breaking myself a little bit further away from this idea. As I continue to do the work I know that the only thing I need to do to have the life of my dreams is to live it!

taw, 43things, check-in, artist date, g&a

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