I went to Lungren's town hall last night. Since he didn't take my question, I waited in line afterwords to ask him individually. Specifically, I asked about his view on the announced reduction to the U.S.'s commitment to manned space exploration.
Surprisingly, he opposes the reduction. He believes that there are NO democrats that oppose the reduction.
So, if you know of a Democratic Senator or Representative that supports manned space exploration, please contact me with his/her name and state. I'd like to let him know that he is wrong about this.
The new Citrus Heights Community Center is a great venue for events like this (Can Ami speak there?). The audience was almost entirely supporters. One nutcase exception and the American Independent candidate for CD 3 was there and handing out literature. Any other nonsupporters were pretty quiet.
Lungren's prepared remarks focussed on
1) Job creation by tax cuts for what he calls small business (these would be medium to larger in Amador County)
2) Health insurance reform. Republicans finally wrote up their ideas into a bill a little over a week ago, so he says they are no longer the party of "no" (the two ideas that he pushes are interstate purchasing and malpractice reform. I agree with these, but probably for different reasons than he does. The first would give Congress the unambiguous authority to regulate health insurance. The latter is the highest profit insurance, with malpractice insurance having a 30-40% profit margin depending on the state - if we cut that margin, we reduce health care costs.)
3) War on terror. He strongly pushes the idea that people accused of terrorism, even US citizens arrested on US soil, are not entited to the Bill of Rights protections. Personally, I believe that's a violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution. The audience, though, gave him the most applause for this. Listening to this part of his talk was not good for my blood pressure.
He then took questions. Because the last thing he talked about was the war on terror and our military, most of the questions related to this. Most questioners believed that too little was being spent on our military.