Blame an inspiration burst for this, though I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. You guys might appreciate it though, which is why I'm posting it here.
Oh, this is also crossposted to my own journal and FMA_yaoi, so yes, this is a fake cut (hate them though I do).
Title: Immortality
Pairing: Ed x Alfons
Rating: PG for swearing and implied sex.
Genre: Spiritual? Sap? Romance? Maybe?
Timeline: Post-movie and post Kids OVA.
Warning: Jen’s extremely sappy writing style. Oh, and implied sex.
Disclaimer: FMA is not mine. Don’t sue.
Notes: Blame Richard Marx, reading too much romantic poetry and sappy fanfiction, and a burst of inspiration…and here you go. Not totally happy with this, but you guys might appreciate it. So…here it is.
(They say that through words, one can reach immortality)