Title: The Intimate Details of Rocket Design
cryogenia and
asingulargirlGenre: Humor/fluff/smut
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Hei/Ed
Spoilers: None, unless you don't know who Heiderich is.
Word Count: 6,100-ish
Warnings: Shameless abuse of rockets. Sex toys. NWS, definitely NWS.
Notes: This started out as a totally innocent idea: a picture of Hei with a toy rocket.
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Comments 30
"You were so, too."
*still staring*
Amazing, so so amazing!
The rocket-fucking part made me laugh, it's soooo Edward to come up with stuff like that xD
Thank you for sharing this, congratulations to both of you for writing this! It made my day today!
Glad you liked! It was fun to write XD
This was amazing...though I don't think I'm ever going to look at rockets or the word "Vibrations" in the same way again.
And the ending?
"You were so, too."
Too cute. What a way to end it. *_*
Not that that's a bad thing, oh no.
And we wanted to end it with a little bit of fluffy, because Hei and Ed need maximum cuddle-age. I'm happy you liked it.
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