Title: Irony
Rating: T, might possibly go up in later chapters
Summary: "What?" he said after a long moment of silence. "I'm a vampire" Ed replied easily. Alfons blinked, he knew that some people joked about it but still... "And if you mention anything about sparkling I will shove an apple down your throat!" Ed added.
CHAP 4 CHAP 5 CHAP 6 CHAP 7 AAAAAAND a Fan soundtrack ^^
Here's a link to the playlist
Here's the cover
And here's the songlist:
This isn't a soundtrack for the fic but for the EdxAlfons relationship ^^
Leave out all the rest - This song, specially the chorus reminded me so much of Alfons, not wanting to be forgotten and all
My Immortal - Just fits in with the constant theme of death and angsty unrequited love in most EdHei fics
How to save a life - reminds me of an AU I once read when Ed was mourning Alfons' loss and regretting not being able to save him
Fix You - Again, this fits with the unrequited love theme and some lines could also speak of Ed longing for the other world and Alfons trying his best to comfort him
A twist in my story - This song could speak for both Alfons and Ed's view on their situation. In different ways, they changed each other's lives. Edward changed Alfons when he dropped in with all his stories and his abrasive but noble personality and Alfons changed Edward (as the fangirls see it) by showing him there's a reason to like the other world after all.
Goodbye - This reminded me of a few angsty fics were the story was Edward was leaving and Alfons refused to go with him. And they both are angry that things have to end that way but neither of them disagree that it's not for the best
Vulnerable - A song that could come from Alfons' POV, it could be a reflection on his thoughts about Edward being seemingly tough and untouchable but still human underneath it all.
Dare you to move - Just an Edward centric song, which could describe how he felt when he came to the other world after transmuting Al back to life
On Fire - Reminded me of many fics where people tell Alfons that Edward is weird and insane but he ignores them and finds Edward fascinating and attractive instead
Home - Ah, I love this one. Another common theme in Edfons fics is 'home' this song made me think of Edward realizing that he had a home in Germany too, because Alfons was there, and he was always willing to take him back and welcome him with open arms no matter what he decides to do ^^
Please excuse #6, the audio is from a How to train your dragon AMV so there are a few dialogues inserted there >.< but it was the best version of the song I could find so I put it there.