[Have a bit of a flustered-looking Alfons. He's holed up in some little corner of the manor, predictably a room full of books with which to distract himself, some of which he's gone and found himself while exploring around the shops. If one looks close enough, a few titles can even be made out. There's the usual books on science, astronomy, even a cook book or two. However, one certainly stands out from the rest: a guide on relationships and dating, only half of the book visible as Alfons has tried to--albeit unsuccessfully--hide it from view while he's turned the PCD on.]
Vell... it seems that the Animus are having fun vith us this veek...
[Why, yes, that is a faint blush starting to creep over his cheeks.]
I really do vish that someone had told me sooner that the kisses did not have to be on the lips to vork, though...
[Private//Unhackable to Tamaki]
Ah, I vas vondering if ve could have a talk, ja?
[[OOC: Feel free to mock the boy, for being so flustered and horrified by simple kisses. Or, y'know, for that book he's totally not reading. <3]]