You may all remember sometime back that my father had sent me a message, and had gotten caught by the conservative propaganda machine. He apologized, but has continued to send occaisional messages to elicite responces for discussions. The current one we are on covers the effect of taxes on business with the assertation of many on his side of the argument, that business would hire more people if they had to pay less taxes. My return assertation was that history has shown us the opposite. Companies are inherintly based on profit, and taking care of workes it the last order of business in most cases.
It has finaly devolved to the "Conservative" versus "Liberal" argument, with him assertering that many of today's taxes are Socialisim in the making, and me saying, kind of, but not really. This was his closing argument of the last email:
It is noteworthy to point out that people become more conservative as they grow older and more experienced. Liberalism is a young people’s attitude. And the youth of our nation are generally uninformed or misinformed, unaware of the sly and clever “brainwashing” methods certain members of the government and media love to impose on vulnerable people. As we grow older and more experienced, we have learned and apply that knowledge to the world around us. It is childish and typical for teenagers and young adults to think of those over 30 as having “lost it”. When 30 comes along, they make discoveries that amaze them - their parents, people over 30, suddenly got a lot smarter. That is because they have begun to have their eyes opened through experience. Unfortunately, some people are unable to learn and notwithstanding the failures they see all around them, stubbornly stick to their opinions until they burn out.
I for one see this as an antiquated idea, that dismisses the access to information, and the ability of Liberals to make their own minds up. Anyone else want to give me more opinions to use?
Mostly I'm amused by the conversation. I know I won't change my father's mind, but I'm happy I can finaly argue effectively with him, and not feel like I have to acquiese to his view point.