Mkay.. so I got this Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest spoilers/rumors from all around.. WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD:
Will and Jack end up in an epic fight against each other.
Jack does go down with his ship,in POTC2, comes back as an immortal.. "somehow" with the possibility of a POTC4...??!!"
--->holy crap! Johnny will die in POTC 2? And will be going around POTC 3 as a ghost? Hmmm...
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 will be titled "Pirates of the Caribbean:Uncharted Waters".
Barbossa is back in "Pirates of the Caribbean:Uncharted Waters", but he will not come back as a cursed pirate but as a ghost instead.
----> Yay!!! Barbossa will be back! Huzzah! I so can't wait for POTC 2 and 3.