Catherine/Sara Music Video--> did i just say that?!?!

Sep 12, 2005 17:45

the booty master is baaaccckkk!!!
Cath/Sara video featuring Bootylicious by Destiny's Child

here it is.. the Catherine/Sara video featuring the song bootylicious by destiny's child. since tptb is torturing us with the scarcity of c/s and booty shots, i included the participation of:
-Grissom's silhoutte
-Hank and his blonde hair and butt chin
-Nick's tushie
-Warrick's hand
-surprise guests at the beginning and end
Here's the link, click to download:


warning: explicit content.. and don't expect to see faces.. :P j/k.
this is just my second attempt in making a music vid,
please bear with me. :P
and of course, enjoy.

(game: if you have a really good eye, you may notice some clips are from my shipments, i.e. g/c, snickers, yobling-->haha. a not-so-subtle promotion)
clips from omaetoy, property of CBS


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