Nov 06, 2005 20:32
ok so alot of people keep classing cheerleading as a "non-sport" and its really starting to piss me off. and when people think its all about "give me an A, give me a B" - they dont no half of what we have to do!!
its not just about cheering on sports teams. theres a competitive side to it too which is alot harder than u will ever think!
how many people can actually stunt, dance, chant,tumble and jump all at the same time and still have enough stamina left until your 2-3 minoot routine is over?
yeh we have to work a million times harder than almost any other sport! can yoo actually say yoo can lift people your own size while chanting and making sure the person your lifting doesnt fall and hit the ground!
its onli a 2-3 minoot routine and in that yoo have to perform your best hoping yoo will come out at the top! in other sports yoo can score and keep playing and hope yoo will beat the opposition but in cheer one slip and yoo can ruin the routine for everyone!
in cheerleading your the only team on the floor with masses of of people and judges in front of yoo that yoo have to perform to, thats probley the most pressure yoo'l ever feel.
some people spend hours a day practising and working there arses off just to prove there the best!
we even have seperate sessions just practising our stunts/chants/dance/jumps/flexibility/tumbling. do yoo think we can just go out there and throw any random person in the air and hope for the best?
stunting can take so much time and practise to perfect it. id like to see someone in a group of 4 try puttin someone up there weight and have them doing all sorts to counts of 8! i guarantee more than likely the person yoo are lifting will fall to the floor! bases have to be strong enough to hold someone up steadily for at least an 8 count. yeh we get hit and kicked anywhere yoo can think of just to keep the person above us from hitting the floor. but thats what practise is for! the backspot is there to make sure the flyer stays in the air no matter what (helping the bases lift at the same time). then yoo have our fliers putting trust into people lifting them and yet still have to stay tight and trying to pull up most of there weight giving bases a less harder time! then they have to keep there core tight keeping them in balance and yet be flexible enough for what ever stunt needs to be shown!
watch a video some time (a cheerleading one and no not a porn one) and see if yoo can attempt anything we do!
and if yoo do succed then see how yoo feel the next day and the day after that!
o next time yoo begin to say cheer isint a sport or just something pathetic which means girls prancing around in skirts with pom poms... think again!
*end of rant*