Aug 04, 2005 17:35
Why do things have to not work out the way you want them to? Why does one thing make you miserable over something that's good for you? Why can't you show tears when it matters, and then why do you regret it later? Why does a decision you've been dying to make as long as you can remember, turn you into the crazy crying girl in the corner on the plane? Why, while on that same plane, did you feel the urge to run out of it back into his arms? Why did you know, that if you did that, it wouldn't make anything better? Why are you already planning ways to see him again, but having no idea how they're going to work themselves out? Why doesn't any of this matter to you? Why do other boys suddenly seem non-existent? Why do you stop talking about all of it, because you know it will make you cry the second you think about it? Why haven't you smiled since you left him? Why do you feel?