
Jul 20, 2010 23:27


Well, I've walked this ship top t'bottom. As much as a guy like me c'n do so, anyway. 'M sorry, lass, I wasn't able t' find hide nor hair of yer friend.

As fer the rest a'ya, I've got a couple a' questions, if y'don't mind me so askin'.

First: I'd be interested t'know what sorts a'recipes y' remember from home. I know enough about ones from me own place, but I'd like t'hear more 'bout others. No sense in makin' th' same thing!

Second: I be lookin' fer a mechanic. Someone who might specialize in cyborg technology.

I thank y'for yer attention, ladies n' gents. Now, last but not least:

[a pause, and an inhalation]


Report t' Sergei's kitchen, boy, n' make it faster than a gill-rat on a slippery log!

brb embarassing jim, but whar is my cabin boy, vie, jim, cyborg arm: mechanic, cooking, cyborg arm: still not working, humble galley cook, humble cyborg, questions

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