Bulletproof (45/52)

Nov 18, 2010 11:31

Title: Bulletproof
Author: blasthisass 
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: AU- when Luke is shot by Colonel Mayer, his condition quickly deteriorates. In order to save his life, Bob calls in a young, hotshot doctor from Texas, brilliant and already making a name for himself.
Disclaimers: All characters and such property of ATWT, CBS and anyone else who can legally take credit for them. If they were mine, I would take infinitely better care of them.
   Title from the song by La Roux. There is dialogue from both the time in which the story takes place as well as the LuRe storyline.
A/N: This is unbeta'd, so any mistakes are mine.

Comments much appreciated . . . I love them like Reid loves Luke.

Previous parts: prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44

Luke groaned slightly as his senses were poked by the soft sound of continuous beeping, less obnoxious than the sound of Reid’s alarm clock (which sounded like a fire alarm going off sometimes, especially after two or three hours of sleep following . . . heavy exercise), but still enough to pull him out of dreams. He felt Reid shift under him, reaching for the pager lying on the bedside table. He let out a groan and, glancing down at Luke, carefully eased himself out from under the blonde, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

Luke grunted softly in protest, opening his eyes into a squint and running his hand along Reid’s spine. Reid glanced back, surprised to see Luke awake. “Go back to sleep,” he murmured softly, his smile almost indiscernible in the light of early dawn.

Luke yawned, propping his head up so that he could look at the alarm clock. “Six?” he murmured, the end of the question stifled by another yawn. “Neuro-trauma?” he inquired understandingly.

Reid nodded, smiling and getting up. “Go back to sleep,” he commanded.

Luke smiled and leaned back against the pillows, watching Reid go about the room and pull on clothes, the necessity of the 911 page enticing him that he ought to go without showering. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt quickly, picking up his shoes, phone and wallet and making his way back to Luke’s side of the bed.

“Can you operate on three hours of sleep?” Luke murmured as Reid approached, half joking, half concerned.

Reid chuckled. “Caffeine and me. In regularly sized doses, we’re best friends,” he informed Luke, bending down and giving the latter a soft, parting kiss on the forehead. “Go back to sleep, idiot,” he instructed affectionately into Luke’s hair, pulling away to slip into the living room.

“Nngh,” Luke hummed, reaching up sleepily to cup the back of Reid’s neck, pulling him closer as the latter made to pull away. Reid let out a surprised noise as their lips met and Luke eased his open gently, running his tongue along the underside of Reid’s mouth. Reid fell forward slightly with a sleepy groan, hands hitting either side of Luke’s body to keep himself from falling flat on the blonde. Luke’s hand went softly to his cheek as Reid pressed in hard, wanting nothing more than to fall into Luke. Luke’s hand wandered down Reid’s back, stroking down to his thigh gently, trying to ease it onto the bed.

Reid chuckled, pulling away. Luke’s pseudo sit-up followed him until Reid, laughing affectionately, pressed an arm to his shoulder and kept him down. “I have to go,” he murmured regretfully.

Luke rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know. People don’t die on my schedule,” he chuckled, reaching up to fist the front of Reid’s T-shirt to pull him into another soft, relatively chaste kiss.

“Mmph . . . Good boy. You learn fast,” Reid chuckled into the kiss, pulling away once before diving in for a final smack. He gave Luke an affectionate slap on the cheek before straightening up. “Now go to sleep until you have to go to class. Help yourself to whatever breakfast items are in the kitchen . . . which is probably nothing, come to think of it,” Reid muttered, almost to himself as he walked toward the door.

Luke chuckled sleepily. “You don’t have food?” he muttered incredulously. “I thought you had homemade Chinese food.”

“Well, my time has been too . . . occupied to buy food,” Reid smirked evilly. “And I specified that I have no breakfast food.”

“We can go after work.”

Reid raised an eyebrow. “Well, well . . . how very domestic of you, Mr. Snyder.”

Luke smiled warmly, desperately trying not to be overtaken by sleep. “Yeah, well . . . A good way to get our relationship in front of the main town gossips. Word should have reached everyone by the evening,” Luke explained sagely. “Oh and, by the way, I don’t have class today.”

Reid smirked, fingering the doorknob. “Well, in that case, I expect to find you in the exact same sate I left you: naked in my bed.”

Luke laughed, gazing seductively at Reid. “Do you want me covered in any particular" food item.”

“God, no. Why do some people assume that’s hot? It’s just unsanitary,” Reid snorted. He paused, his eyes widening. “Although . . . If you have a giant sandwich with you . . .”


“Let’s just say I know how to offer hefty rewards,” Reid purred softly, opening the door.

Luke grinned. “Enticing, doctor.”

“I am, aren’t I?” Reid grinned. “Now. Sleep,” he said, pointing at Luke. “Work.” He pointed at himself.

“Good luck,” Luke called, as Reid eased himself out of the door.

“Don’t need it, remember?” Reid winked.

“I’ll be waiting.”

Reid smiled softly and eased the door shut as Luke flopped back down against the mattress, rolling onto his side and curling his arms around a pillow, pretending it was Reid. The latter slipped into the living room, keeping the lights off and sitting on the edge of the couch to pull his shoes on. Slipped his arms through the sleeves of his jacket and blindly searched for the keys on the table by the front door. He glanced at the flashing light on the answering machine, checking the missed calls.

“Katie,” he muttered, reading the name. He shook his head, ignoring the message and deciding that he’d call her back when he actually had time to talk-a lot of time, because once Katie knew about himself and Luke, he would not escape a conversation that was sure to last hours. He checked his watch and groaned, wrenching open the front door and shutting it as quietly as he could behind him.

Katie fiddled with her keys, yawning loudly as she managed to insert the correct one into the keyhole and twisted it defiantly. She opened the door, looking around that the boxes scattered around the apartment, thinking about how few of them there were and how soon the apartment that had belonged to her and Reid would belong to Reid alone.

“Sorry for making you go totally out of your way,” Holden apologized, following her inside and shutting the door quietly. “I didn’t realize that you were practically living with Brad already.”

Katie laughed, dropping her keys next to the phone by the door and rolling her eyes at the flashing of the machine. Of course Reid hadn’t checked his messages, which meant that he hadn’t been expecting Katie to drop by and of course wasn’t there to help her find what they were looking for. “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” she joked, glancing back at her soon-to-be cousin.

“Oh, not at all,” Holden chuckled. “I’m happy for you. For both of you.”

Katie grinned happily, fingering her engagement ring, before bringing herself back to the mission they’d arrived with. “Right, now. I completely forgot that you’d need the wedding rings since Ethan would be the ring bearer.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Holden chuckled. “Just thought I’d get it so we could practice not losing them before the big day.”

“Smart plan.”

“Yeah, I thought so too.”

Katie looked around her mess of an apartment helplessly, shaking her head. “Only problem is that I have no idea where they are. Reid picked them up and I was hoping he’d be around to help us locate them, but he’s probably off being a secluded genius somewhere,” she laughed. “Okay. Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll check his room and you check the table by the door,” she delegated. “Think like a genius and we’ll be out of here in no time. They’ll be in a box from that jewelry store in Old Towne.”

She walked over to Reid’s room as she called back to Holden, who chuckled at her and slipped open the drawers of the table by the door. Katie walked quietly into Reid’s room, turning immediately to Reid’s dresser when she did, scanning the top of it for that little velvet box. She was eternally grateful that Reid was a neat freak and was sure to put the rings in their proper, methodical places. She turned around to check the perfectly organized bookshelf. Her gaze passed over the bed, surprisingly unmade, on her way and, because she wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary, she let out a quick scream of surprise when she spotted Luke on the brink of sleep in the bed.

Luke was jerked away by the sound, more effective than any alarm clock or even pager and his sleepy gaze flew to Katie, who was staring at him with her mouth open, clutching her heart. “Katie!” he exclaimed, sitting up in the bed and making sure every part of his body was somehow covered.

“Luke,” she whispered, completely surprised, looking like she was about to break out into a pleased grin.

“Katie? Is everything okay?”

She started at the voice that called her name from behind her and her eyes widened almost as much as Luke’s did when he recognized it. “Is that?” he stammered in shock, unable to move.

Katie finally seemed to get her senses about her and she whirled around and tried to beat Holden to the door of the bedroom, squeaking, “Yeah, everything’s fine!”

“You screamed, are you sure?” Holden demanded, frowning curiously as Katie met him breathlessly in the doorway and she pressed her hands desperately to his chest.

“I am absolutely, absolutely positive,” she tried to reassure him, but there was something in her voice that didn’t fully convince him. His gaze passed over her, as though trying to figure out what had taken Katie from her mellow, early morning state to one in which her cheeks were flushed pink and she was frantically trying to push him out of Reid’s bedroom.

He inhaled sharply when a push from Katie shifted his gaze and he met Luke’s. “Luke?” he managed out and when he felt Katie fall back, defeated.

Luke opened his mouth when he realized his father had seen him and he let out a, “Fuck,” that he couldn’t hold back. Holden struggled to breathe and to comprehend what exactly the scene unfolding before him meant. His jaw clenched as his old conclusions came flooding back to him. “Where is he?” he snarled suddenly, turning to Katie.

“Holden, calm down,” Katie warned as Luke sat up further and placed his hands firmly in his lap, unable to think of anything else to do.

Holden shook his head. “Calm down?”

“Yes, calm down. I just . . . cool down and don’t . . . overreact-”

Holden shook his head. “You think I’m overreacting? I saw this! I told you! That son of a . . . God, I . . . Fucking hell,” he groaned and turned around, stalking toward the door.

“Holden?” Katie cried, turning to look at Luke, who looked like he’d just seen a ghost.

“Katie?” he whispered, voice completely shocked. “Katie, where’s he going? Where the fuck is he going?” he exclaimed, his voice gaining pitch as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and quickly pulled on the pair of sweatpants lying on the floor.

“Luke, what is going on here? Where’s Reid?” Katie murmured, hoping to somehow calm him down while ascertaining the situation.

“He’s at work!” Luke cried, shuffling through his things for a shirt and quickly pulling it on. “Where the hell is he going?” His voice was agitated and he quickly pulled on a pair of shoes that he wasn’t even sure were his before trying to get past her.

“Luke, just calm down,” Katie murmured, stepping in front of him and putting her hands gently on his shoulders.

He wrenched himself out of her grip, looking like was going to cry. “Oh, God. Oh, God, God, God,” he muttered shaking his head.

“Luke . . . how long-”

“Three weeks,” Luke muttered, feeling tears welling up in his eyes. He had to go find his dad. He had to go find Reid. “And, fuck, I was going to tell him. Fuck,” he groaned and moved past Katie, practically sprinting toward the door.

“Luke, where are you going?” Katie murmured, following him into the living room.

“I have to find Reid,” he muttered, his hand on the door, glancing back at Katie, who was almost completely floored by the depth of emotion that was pouring out of him. “I just . . . I have to find him. Before Dad does.”

Katie’s shoulders dropped suddenly and she followed him quickly out the door, grabbing her keys on the way out.

Reid shut the door to the hospital locker room, pulling the top layer of his scrub shirt, leaving on only the long sleeved gray one underneath. He flung the short leaved blue shirt into a laundry basket in the corner and stretched his arms over his head, trying to stretch out his tense muscles. He made his way over to the locker and the first thing he thought to do was check his phone for any messages.

He smiled at the instinctive action, wondering when he’d become the guy that would check his phone whenever he got the chance, just in case there was a message from his boyfriend. His boyfriend. Reid had never really liked the sound of the word until then.

He glanced up from the blank screen of his phone when he heard shouting outside. He frowned as he recognized Bob’s voice and tried to remember if he had ever heard the mild-mannered doctor shouting. Holden’s voice he recognized, however, though he was still incredibly surprised when the older man burst into the room and his blazing eyes met Reid’s. Bob followed shortly afterward, looking between the two men.
 “Holden, what-” Bob started, looking back and forth, while Reid inhaled sharply, as though he knew exactly why Holden was in such a state, though he was surprised that he already.


“Son of a bitch,” Holden whispered and before Reid could move or do anything at all, Holden’s fist came flying out of nowhere and he fell back against the lockers at the impact.

Chapter 46-->]

tv: atwt, fic: bulletproof, pairing: luke/reid

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