WELCOME Everyone to the very first (for me anyway) Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Gift Exchange!
I've been roped into a few gift exchanges, and I've had a number of experiences. So, I have decided to try one of my own! But what to do...well, my top three favorite genre's have always been Sci-fi, fantasy and horror. Why not combine them into a gift exchange? I want to spread the joys of aliens, magic and horrible monsters to others who like them too. Also, please feel free to use this community to talk about your favorite Scifi/Fantasy/Horror subject! The more the merrier!!
1. This exchange WILL require an AO3 account. If you don't have one, then no worries! Just contact me, or sirvalkyrie, or anyone else here and we will invite you :)
2. Now, I know how it feels to be very excited during nominations and go crazy with selecting fandoms and characters. I also know how it feels to have something rejected because apparently it didn't fit with the theme. We want to avoid that if at all possible. So, let's talk here! Post about a series or a movie or a book you like. See if someone already nominated your favorite show or character. Let's gather as many fandoms as possible so that we can all have something we can enjoy as well as introducing people to new fandoms! After all, isn't it fun to get caught up in a new fandom?
3. Dates! Dates are quite important, don't you think? Nominations begin now and will end the 21st. Sign ups will begin the 24th of September and will end on the 2nd of October. Works shall be due on November 30th! Plenty of time, don't you agree? :) Of course due date for works can be up for debate too.
4. Now...this is a tricky bit. I AM willing to discuss fandoms! What this means is, I realize that certain shows, or movies, etc, have certain elements that would apply to this exchange even though the fandom itself does NOT. I am willing to dicuss possible selections. If you feel an episode, or a particular character should qualify, then PLEASE feel free to contact me and discuss it! Make your case and I will listen. We can see if your particular selection would qualify for the exchange. We will take these on a case-by-case basis.
5. Edited. We will be accepting fanart, fanfiction, video and audio HOWEVER, it must be COMPLETELY original, nonrelated to any other entry. Podfics are allowed! You do NOT have to write the story, BUT the story cannot be entered into the swap along with the podfic, either under the same user or with multiple. Either the story or the podfic.
6. Edited. Okay, limits! Fics must be at least 500 words, and vids must be at least 1 minute. Please try to not go over 5, however it is negotiable.
7. Link to the nominations!
http://archiveofourown.org/tag_sets/162 8. SIGN UPS! Okie dokie, now you may request up to Six Fandoms but no more than that! You must request at least 4 fandoms so we can have good chances of being matched. You can have no more than four characters per fandom. You need to be able to offer at least 3 fandoms.
9. I had an interesting question that had me think about the subject for a moment. Now, I know not everyone is going to be able to be comfortable writing in all three genres and that is going to make for some interresting prompts. SO, I want to remind everyone to be open about what you request. I encourage you to mix and match genres! Have Aliens with a supernatural twist, or scifi in a horror genre! Make things fun! But of course, optional details are...well, optional. Be able to write the characters and the fandom at the very least I would say. :)
If you have any questions please feel free to pm me. Hope you enjoy! :)
Since I can be vague in my writing...SirValkyrie has ever so wonderfully posted a more clear version of the rules for sign ups and nominations!
http://blasters-wands.livejournal.com/785.html HUGE Props to her for doing so...since I can be a bit vague lol