Just because I haven't posted here in awhile and I wanna talk about my TV show obsessions, plus some new art! Beware: spoilers for every Chuck episode that has aired, every Bones episode that has aired, every Parks&Rec episode that has aired, and every Fringe episode that has aired. Nothing huge or anything, but there are spoilers.
So a kick word on Chuck: rushed. Rushed, rushed, rushed. It's ridiculous. One episode, Sarah becomes "rogue" and by the end of the next, she's Volkoff's most trusted adviser. Ooookay, whatever you say, Chuck. I love you and I love your music and I am looking forward to "the biggest episode of the year" (as Josh Schwartz says) but you lost me these past few episodes. Bring me back.
And one thing on Bones, too: WHAT THE FUCK? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I know I have talked about this before, but I can't believe how far this show has fallen. In Season 2, it was one of my favorites and all of the characters were amazing. Now, I am bored to death by one episode and the next I facepalm because it is SO STUPID. The one that truly made me sad was the latest episode: the Gravedigger episode. Because wow, that was ridiculously stupid. I wasn't bored at all, at least. But there was no suspense, and by the end of the episode, absolutely nothing was resolved. The stupidest thing in that entire episode was definitely Booth confronting the sniper. The sniper didn't think Booth would hop over the fence, and got all scared when he did....really? He didn't have a gun on him....really? Booth couldn't have pulled out his gun sooner and told him to stop or maybe fired a warning shot....REALLY? That entire scene made me so mad.
And then the stupidest scene, character-wise, was easily the mess that was the Sweets and Caroline scene. First off, Sweets is super upset about the Gravedigger's comments, which completely stuns me. Like, what? He's a psychiatrist, he's faced the gravedigger before and I'm not even sure what his concerns are because the writers made no sense of that storyline, they just wanted him to be angsty and listen to a radio again and again. Was he upset that he almost died? That her head blew up in front of him? That he realizes that maybe he's not important? Y'know what, these are things that are reasonable and would have interesting to discuss but....didn't Sweets have this same plot last year when someone was killed on that bus? And that plot was done much better, because we understood what Sweets was going through and what he was thinking. Here? I don't know. Just have him listen to that tape multiple times, because that's good drama. Please. Plus, Caroline creating forced drama (and that ridiculous music! there is no tension, so please stop trying to create it for no reason) and then crying? NO. That's not Caroline, especially not in front of Sweets. Maybe Booth; MAYBE. But for her to just start crying like that with no buildup (was the Gravedigger especially bad on Caroline, more so than other cases? cause...uhh...show....I think you just made that up) is sooo bad and poorly written. I'm still mad just thinking about it.
The entire episode was a combination of poor plots and half completed thoughts with no resolution or payoff. And that is just an example of how shitty Bones has truly become. So upsetting. But enough with the bad...how 'bout the good shows?
PARKS & RECREATIONS! oh my god, I love that show. Easily my favorite comedy on right now, on par with some of my favorites ever like Friends, That '70s Show, Weeds, earlier 30 Rock, etc. I just love it. Andy & April are one of my OTPs and they are so adorable and strange and wonderful. I think it's mostly because I adore April, but Andy compliments her perfectly. April's relationship with Ron also really gets to me because it's so awkward yet there's so much caring there and we all know it. WE DO. Favorite moment in the series? Probably April's mural in Season 2 ("The Camel"). So. Hysterical.
And Season 3 has been off the charts, as well. THIS LATEST EPISODE OH MY GOD. I was dying. Chris is soooo funny, and his entire scene in the hospital was ridiculously funny. Stop. Pooping. has been such a popular line and for good reason; I just about died during that scene. Plus his lines about how his body is like a microchip were so funny. I particularly liked: "The microchip has been compromised" and then he runs away, lmao.
Love these two so much. Overall: AMAZING show. Watch it. Love it. Embrace it. you know you want to.
And now FRINGE, my fandom obsession at the moment. My favorite show on TV and has already secured its position in my top 5 favorite shows ever. Just superb and it keeps getting better and better. If there was one thing that I dislike about Fringe, it's that they don't use all their characters well enough. Walter and Olivia get TONS of attention, but smaller characters like Nina and Astrid don't get the time to shine as much as they should. But in yesterday's episode, "Reciprocity", every character got their time to shine and it was wonderful. This needs to happen more often, because it worked wonderfully. I loved the really personal Olivia/Astrid scenes, and just the simple fact that Nina Sharpe was on my TV screen made me happy (although she needs more of a backstory, hint hint wink wink). And I would like to see Olivia and Astrid talk about Astrid's feelings. I am very curious as to what she is thinking about all of this mess, because she really is the mother of this family unit even though she seems younger than the rest of the cast. Every character depends on her in some way, primarily Walter, but the ones also depend on her too. She's very unnoticed, but she is very much the heart of their unit and she is always there for people when they need it. I just love her. And Nina; well, as Chandler would say: could she BE any cooler?!
Well hopefully I will have more coherent thoughts on Fringe on a weekly basis, and even more Parks&Rec squeeing, I just wanted to use this kind of as a catch-up post :) And now to new wallpapers. I have FOUR new ones, all from Fringe. 2 Olivia walls, 1 Olivia/Peter wall, and 1 Peter/Fauxlivia wall (because I ship them, OKAY?). Comments/feedback is very appreciated, as always!
1400 A Pain I'm Used To
1400 Burn Holes In My Hands
1400Our Hell
1400 Heh, this piece is a funny story. I made this before I watched last night's new episode of Fringe because this was always my favorite scene in that entire episode. I always thought Fauxlivia really had feelings for Peter, and that Peter really fell for Fauxlivia but is lying to himself so he can be with Olivia. I like Peter/Fauxlivia a million times more than Peter/Olivia. Dark, twisted, tragic. And like Peter said in the episode right before this one: "Aren't all the best love stories tragedies?" Yeah, these two rule. And then this episode confirmed that Fauxlivia really fell for Peter, so I am one happy fan!
Anyways, that's all. Sorry for the extra long post. I hope you like something you see here and comment, lol.