TM #176 - Tell the story of one of your past scars.

May 02, 2007 22:08

Main Entry: 2scar
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English escare, scar, from Middle French escare scab, from Late Latin eschara, from Greek, hearth, brazier, scab
1 : a mark left (as in the skin) by the healing of injured tissue
2 a : a mark left on a stem or branch by a fallen leaf or harvested fruit b : CICATRIX 2
3 : a mark or indentation resulting from damage or wear
4 : a lasting moral or emotional injury scar upon his mind -- H. G. Wells>
- scar·less
/-l&s/ adjective

Source: Mirriam Webster

The logical response to this question would be to simply answer truthfully. However, in light of recent events, I fear that any such response could prove dangerous to my family or myself. Therefore, I’ve decided against sharing any such information, for fear of exploiting our weaknesses.


My scars are the errors I’ve made. Most of all, the error that started everything.

The space mission. Susan and Ben had asked for me to wait. I told them it simply wasn’t plausible. That it was now or never. Susan was worried, but at the same time, she trusted my judgment. Of course, that was the case back then. Sue was always the ever doting lover, willing to risk everything for me. Overlooking her doubts, she came to my defense, convincing Ben to join us, only by referencing a win for communism.

The next day, our lives were changed forever.

There are so many days I wish that Sue had voiced her fears.

That Ben was not willed into the mission.

It’s true that we would not be the same people we are today, yet so many scars and pains would have never existed. Ben would have never faced years of torment and anguish due to his exterior, Johnny could have perhaps lived the life a young adult should live. As for Susan, there are so many times I wonder if all her pain would be gone. Franklin’s birth would not have been arduous, the risk of her death lessened. Sue’s second pregnancy would have no doubt gone better, and Valeria would have been with us sooner.

I've examined countless possibilities, and all lead to the same thing. Our lives would have been far better if the mission never happened.

Muse: Reed Richards / Mister Fantastic
Fandom: Fantastic Four (Marvel Comics)
Words: 288 (without definition)


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