for those of you who didn't know yet

Jul 16, 2006 14:32

i made public announcements several places, but it looks like i never posted here. me and my ex g/f karen(AKA
shatteredglobe) had a baby girl, megan, on jan 13th 2006, a friday, the day before a full moon. we found out last june and communications broke down and we stopped talking to each other and broke up. we both thought the other one didn't want to be in the others life until this april. we have been talking and things are going well. we are not back together. she has a new b/f. i got to meet megan finaly at the begining of july. we have created a baby LJ which we will be posting baby updates on. it's at...

only karen and i can post though.

in the mean time, here's some pics from july
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