again with the sweet and sour.....

Nov 04, 2004 11:32

Remember a while back when I had a post all about sweet and sour in life. Well it seems appropriate that I revisit that same topic, about other things of course, but when the shoe fits....

So we have another four years under the rule of the coke addicted, back water, retarded cowboy and his puppet handler Cheney. That the world did not immediatly fall into utter destruction still baffles me, but...we have four more years so it could still happen. Definatly sour...and rancid, and putrid, and many other adjectives to describe the undesired situation we here in America now face. For while it's not us persay, the rest of the world can't and won't see that when travelers abroad tell others of thier origins....I advise to them; learn how to speak in a different accent, it may go a long way toward your well being.

And now for a bit of sour, met with a lot of sweet. I had my body assesment today, this is where they tell me the specifics of me, and what I should be weighing. I am at 435lbs!!!! Damn I had no fucking idea, I mean I knew I was big, but damn! right now I am at 41% body fat, which means as it stands, 255lbs of me is not fat. On the low end of what is healthy, and this is the LOW end mind you, 225lbs, the high end, 250lbs, the weight that the doc said I should be, and thus is my target weight, 240-245, which is what I thought. She also said that does not account for any muscle mass I gain later in the program, but it does count for muscle mass and liquid lost while on the diet. So, the sweet is that I am jazzed and beggining this whole trial in my life, and I will, with the support of my friends and family, make this all happen.

Well that about does it, I am tired, and desire to sleep now.

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