What the hell....

Jul 02, 2004 08:59

Hey folks, just decided to give this whole live journal thing a try. Not sure if I'm gonna really type all the events of my life here, or just use it as a forum for some of my writings and idle musings. I'm not gonna advertise this to my friends and fam, I figure if they do some searches and see the name, they'll know it was me. If you stumble across this and like, or don't like what you see, by all means let me know, I am open to constructive critisizm, but too old to play the flame game....besides you would lose ;)

so here are some quizes that Jen (My girlfriend) would have me take.....

Nihilist Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Apathy, well I can say your lucky, in some ways.
You see Apathy is no emotion, basically you
don't care. But that does not make you a bad
person. Some of my friends are apathetic and I
love them, but it wouldn't hurt to care a
little more. Trust me life hurts, most people
who are apathetic do it cause they were hurt.
But don't worry, life is pain, its also
pleasure. Good luck. (please vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Long-wang!

Mythological Background: Yes, the dragon represents
everything you think of when you think of a
dragon - fearsome and invincible. Also, it is
greatly respected just because of that fact.
The dragon has a very protective aspect to it.
Even Jupiter reminds you of intense smashing
power. The dragon is almost always surrounded
by rain-bearing clouds and fog; and the
appearance of its constellation always signals
rainfall and lightning. It's also a symbol of
authority worn by the nobility and the imperial
class. Japanese Name: Seiryuu.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

okay, I think that's enough for now.
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