This needs to be said so I'm gonna say it. Bindi Irwin is stumbling down the hypothetical hill toward an abyss of murky evil. To be placed in public eye at such a young age never works out well. You only need to look at how detached Michael Jackson is from reality to understand what kind of damage can be done. Her very essence has been destroyed by the commercial television spotlight. Now I'm not saying that in 10 years she'll be living on the fringe of society snorting lines of coke off the seat of a public toilet, but I would like to present it as a legitimate possibility. Just
look at her. There is nothing behind those eyes. She doesn't have a soul. (caution: this statement is presented as fact with nothing to back it up)
Ok, let's move on. Musical theatre. Yes I like it and no I'm not gay.
* 2 x A reserve tickets for Miss Saigon at the lyric - Yep
* 2 x tickets to the opening night of Rocky Horror - Uh-huh
* 2 x tickets to Phantom of the Opera - Well they're not on sale yet
Tomorrow will involve drinking in Newtown. Golly. Wave if you see me.
Also, if you like music (and don't we all?) be sure to check out this website: