This is an LA Times article about the Scooter Libby Trial which involves how top White House Officials ordered the identity of a CIA official to be disclosed to the press. Since revealing an undercover CIA agent's identity is illegal and a Federal Crime, it's interesting to now hear that Vice President Dick Cheney personally ordered the media leak and therefore is complicit in Federal Crimes. If you thought sperm on a party dress was hard evidence, read this article..
WASHINGTON - In the first such account from Vice President Dick Cheney's inner circle, a former aide testified Thursday that Cheney personally directed the effort to discredit an administration critic by having calls made to reporters in 2003.
Cheney dictated detailed "talking points" for his chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and others on how they could impugn the critic's credibility, said Catherine J. Martin, who was the vice president's top press aide at the time.
Libby is on trial on charges of obstructing an investigation into how the name of a CIA operative, Valerie Plame, became public. The government says her identity emerged in conversations Libby had with several reporters. It is illegal to knowingly divulge the name of a CIA employee.
Plame's name came up in the conversations because she is the wife of former envoy Joseph C. Wilson IV, the critic whom the administration was trying to attack after he publicly raised questions about the intelligence used to justify the invasion of Iraq.
Martin, who is now deputy White House director of communications for policy and planning, testified as a prosecution witness on the third day of Libby's trial. She became the third witness to testify that they had told Libby of Plame's identity well before Libby spoke with the reporters.
That contradicts Libby's statement that he learned of Plame's identity from one of the reporters, Tim Russert of NBC News. Libby is charged with lying to federal agents looking into the leak of Plame's name.
The events unfolded after a New York Times columnist reported in May 2003 that an unnamed diplomat had been sent to Niger the previous year to investigate reports that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy uranium from Africa, and found that the reports were wrong. President Bush's State of the Union speech in January 2003 contained the uranium assertion.
Libby learned that the unnamed diplomat was Wilson, a former ambassador.
Cheney's active role in the campaign to undermine Wilson has been known, but Martin's testimony was the first inside account of the administration's attempts to manage the affair.
Martin said she learned that Plame worked for the CIA after Libby directed her to call the agency to get more information about Wilson's trip to Niger. Martin said she quickly reported the information about Plame to Libby and Cheney.
She described details of a White House media strategy, designed at the highest levels, that sought to rebut charges that Bush had misled the public in his January 2003 speech.
Martin said Cheney's talking points disputed Wilson's allegation that Cheney had authorized the trip to Niger. They also included information from a secret National Intelligence Estimate.
The vice president ordered press aides to start tracking press coverage closely, while Libby was directed to contact reporters. At one point, the vice president gave a note card to Libby with information to give to a Time magazine reporter covering the case, while Cheney and Libby were returning on Air Force Two from the christening of an aircraft carrier.
Martin also described how she discussed with Libby media "options" to rebut Wilson that included a strategic "leak" to a handful of reporters.
But Martin said that neither Cheney nor Libby had suggested that the identity of Plame be divulged as part of the game plan. She said that she had no knowledge of either actually doing so.
"I recall the vice president telling me to keep track of this story, and keep track of the commentators who were continuing to write on this story and talk about us," Martin testified. "We were paying attention to 'Hardball With Chris Matthews' because he had been talking about it a lot."
She described the reaction inside the administration as questions began to be raised, starting in May 2003. The New York Times column said the administration had engaged in a "campaign of wholesale deceit" and suggested that Cheney was directly involved.
Martin said Libby asked her to call the then-chief public affairs officer at the CIA, William Harlow, to find out about the trip by Wilson.
"So I was saying, 'Who sent him? Who is this guy?' " Martin testified. "I remember Bill Harlow saying his name was Joe Wilson, he was a charge in Baghdad, and his wife works over here."
Martin said she promptly went to see Cheney and Libby with the news.
Wilson published an op-ed column in the New York Times on July 6, 2003, describing his trip. The same day, he aired his concerns on the NBC program "Meet the Press." Almost immediately, Martin said she was huddling again with Cheney about how to respond to a surge in press inquires.
"He dictated to me what he wanted to say,
" Martin said.
The detailed response covered eight points, including a reference to a sensitive intelligence-community assessment. Martin testified that she was "not sure if I could use that point" because she believed at the time that the report was classified.
Later, she said, she discussed with Cheney and Libby how she had learned from Harlow that two network reporters were writing stories about the case, and how Cheney ordered Libby to call them personally, including one call that Libby made from his private anteroom outside of Cheney's office.
"I was aggravated that Scooter was calling the reporters and that I wasn't," Martin said.
The trial is expected to resume Monday with testimony from former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.