Favorite Quotes of the Election

Nov 08, 2006 12:28

Congratulations to all the people that voted out there: It's been a great victory for all Americans! With past decades of Democrats having to make comprimises on most issues, I'm very hopeful that this will usher in a more moderate, compromising Congress and unlike the 94' Republicans of the Gengrich Era, will cause less of this polarization politics.  It's the first day in a long time I've felt really proud to be an American.  Here's some good quotes from the election:

"I love doing sequels."
-Gov. Arnold Schwarzennegger

"Man, we kicked ass."
-Gov. Howard Dean

"The Tigers may have lost, but it looks like we're winning the World Series in Michigan anyways..."
-Gov. Jennifer Granholm

"Nice try, but you actually did get beat by somebody's grandma."
-US House Speaker Nanci Pelosi

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