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bonnieslasher October 7 2008, 16:40:54 UTC
I love his shirt! And your boots, they are win.


blasphemina October 7 2008, 16:58:27 UTC
Wheee! Thank you, stranger! I made his vest the night before at like 2am (I wasn't tired) and my "boots" are actually my skull mary-janes with gaiters over them! My friend Heather Luca makes them. You should get some! They are fleece and warm and inexpensive! BTW, I still owe you I think from that Narcissa/Fleur drawing. Was it $40 that i still owed? Anyway, I want to give you money. And eventually more money. Since I now have money. I want art. All the time. From youz! Or at least one more painting for a secret project that I'm trying to compile for my spring line. So if you know other amazing artists, please tell me!


bonnieslasher October 9 2008, 04:05:44 UTC
I would love to take on more commissions from you! However many you see fit to send my way. I could poke some other artists as well if you're after a few different looks.

Wow, the last commission was quite a while ago. You paid me for most of it, might be 20-40 left over. Do you still have my email or should I send it to you again?


blasphemina October 9 2008, 14:23:03 UTC
Tell you what, the next order I get, I will pay my remainder and pay down on a new item. Then I will give you more after my next order after that :) That way you'll have teh moneys. I will PM you about the project :) Yay!


bonnieslasher October 12 2008, 20:24:19 UTC
Brilliant ^_^


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