New York Comic Con Recap

Apr 22, 2008 14:53

Okay, here we go! Recap time! I'm really tired still so if this is all garbled and weird, I'm soooo sorry :/

Okay, so Thursday I spent most of the day catching up. I'd been working market all weekend (and by weekend, I mean five 11 hour days and then a day off which my boss gave me after realizing I had to finish my line) and was really stressed that I wouldn't finish on time. Wednesday Kat and Lucy came to help and Thursday Heathre came to help. Kat picked up Ryan and took him to Kinkos so they could print and cut my standee and flyers. Then Ryan went to work. Kozeh also came over to dye my hair so I wouldn't have to (my roots were AWFUL and the turquoise had to go). Brandon came over to play Smash Bros. so he could be around Koz. They headed out, then Ryan got home from work around 9 and started getting stuff in order. I packed and sewed and packed and sewed. I went to bed around 11pm. Ryan around 12am. Then we had to be up around 4am to get our taxi around 5am. We caught our flight and landed around 10:30am, exhaustarded, at LGA. We got our shit and caught a taxi right away. It was a pretty cool drive. We saw these insane graveyards along these huge rolling hills.
It was surreal.

We got to our hotel around noon and they said we had to wait for 45 minutes before it was ready. In the meantime we checked our bags and called mastergode and missmeganmaude to see if they wanted to catch lunch with us. Megan was still getting ready to Austin came down in his fanciness to watch us be fatties and eat at the diner in the hotel :) We finished up eating and went to check on the status of our room. Still not ready?! WTF!? Ryan actually tried the "Do you know who the fuck she is" card and I had to make him stop. I'm not at a place where I can even jokingly say something like that. Sometimes I have to keep him in check. He's too excited for me to catch fame. At least he's supportive, right? Well, apparently our causing a fuss got them to shuffle the rooms around and we got a different room. We went up, changed, met with Megan, Austin and Karaya and walked to the con with all our clothing and such. We got there in time to chat with everyone a bit, catch up and do the mingling thing.

Then at around 5pm we had our first panel, "Sew Successful: Owning and Operationg a Successful Seamstress Business." Isn't that neat? It was my first panel! Ha!

I was really nervous actually. You all know I talk a lot and am loud and awful. Well, put me in front of a group and I get tongue-tied and nervous. I had no idea what to say half the time and no idea what I said the other half. I honestly don't know when it happened but at some point we went to Burgers and Cupcakes.

Later in the night we went to Fridays with Austin's friend Angel (who rocked, BTW) which, in case you were wondering, was the worst idea EVER! Not the Angel part. The GOING TO FRIDAYS PART! It was mostly out of laziness for deciding what to do. We buy the same thing here at home and it's MAYBE $40. Yeah, $72 there. Fuck those jerks. My order was wrong, we never got water and I think they gave my reisling the second glass of pinot grigio I ordered. Gah! But this was great:

Oh Grampa Munster, you cannot has beer.

So eventually we groggily dragged ourselves to bed. The next morning I was up at 9am to press the outfits and do my hair. My models showed up around 10:30am for hair and makeup. One girl had SUPER limp hair and I tried all I could to curl it. She kept looking like this:

I hate limp pigtails. Luckily she brought curlers and ended up looking way cuter. I used professional models for this show since I know two people in NY and one of them is a boy. I was hesitant to approach the lolita community since I didn't think any of them liked me, honestly. After the last show and being what it was, I figured it was in my best interest to try not to start anything or get my feelings hurt if they didn't say yes. Next time I'll know at least 7 girls who I met this time. They were all really sweet to me and made me feel really welcome. Anyway, so I got to know my girls a little bit while we got ready. I can honestly say I put 100x more into the way they looked than myself. My hair was half done and I looked a mess. Why didn't anyone tell me it'd be a better idea to wake up at 8 am?

So we met in the lobby, Megan and her girls, swdpunk and her girls, Kathy and Kristy and the boys and we trekked down the street looking a quick fanciful bunch. We got a lot of looks and smiles for the most part, so that was good. We barely made it in time for walk through and we find out no, we cannot use the stage for one because there was programming that butted up right to us. Well, we made it work anyway. We pointed out each girls mark, got our music cued up and we just went. We did it in order of designer name alphabetically. I was up first, then ITS, then Victoria, then Megan. Sorry if some of these pics are blurry. The light is weird and Ryan and I are still getting used to the camera. Here's the two MCs Jenna and Michelle and after that is my stuff:

La Dauphine:

Megan Maude:

After the show we were rushed out, which kinda sucked since a lot of people wanted to talk to us. What's that, you wanna know about the tranny? Okay, so apprently there's this girl or boy or whatever who everyone is referring to as "the tranny" who looked like a bad Mana cosplayer that rushed the stage during Victoria's segment. Yeah, like ran on stage and was a dumb bitch:

image Click to view

She insists that she didn't do it to detract from the show or to be a bitch. She said she was a free spirit and that the stage "called to her" or some such bullshit. Victoria handled it with grace. I'd have bashed her face in. But then again, I'm an angry person. Anyway, some stupid preteen cosplayers and fat guys called her a hero and asked for her autograph. She was pulled from the stage but never asked to leave. Fuck her. And in case you were wondering, the cheering was added afterwards. That never happened.

But on to other things that don't involve drama mongering attention whores, after the show we had another panel "Fashion Show Wrap-Up and Design Discussion":

I was way calmer during that one. It was a pretty big room and it was full of people! They all asked a lot of really good questions, well, there was one guy...but anyway, it was all really positive and I guess a gal from IGN was there too. Neat!

So after the panel a bunch of other people talked with us as well. One girl had me sign her GL Bible (cute!). It was a really fun experience and I was lucky to be a part of something so positive.

We met some great people and took a lot of pictures, hung around the booth a bit, then we headed back to the hotel to change and figure out what to do with the rest of our night. We ended up meeting up with Angel again and after changing into comfy city-walkin' clothes we just walked until we found something. We ended up at this great place with a cute waitress from Dublin and some of the best pesto I've ever had.

After we filled our bellies we went on a trek to find the Empire State Building. We were going to meet up with the local girls for karaoke but between our exhaustion and few of us with anxiety we figured against doing something so high energy and hope we could see them after. We ended up finding the Empire state building. but the line was soooo long! And it was almost 10 pm my that point! It would have taken us about 45 minutes to stand in line.

Instead we ended up stopping at Sanrio then going to a place called the Cake Shop. It was like every indie coffee shop I spent time in in high school so I loved it despite the horrible cupcake I had:

Boo-fail, cupcake. Yay cakeshop that has a bar and live music in the basement. I had a pretty good drink, we hung out, Megan, Austin and Ryan nerded out, Karaya ate vegan cake and Angel and I talked about dive bars. After a while Austin was super sleepy so we parted ways and went to Tir Na Nog and met up with the girls. A few of them had decided to call it a night as well and we'd fully expected to stay for 10 minutes and then go to bed. No, Michelle's powers of persuasion kept us there until bar close. I'm relitively sure we were there listening to an Irish band do Johnny Cash covers and knocking them back until 2:30 am. I was sooooooooooo sleepy I was about to fall over but I we were having too much fun to leave!

PS, deedlelu is hilarious. What a doll!

Poor Ryan was hanging out with all us girls. Good thing people kept buying him Jameson :)

So, needless to say I had a HORRIBLE hangover the next day. Not. Lolita. At. All. I struggled to get dressed and all of us (our group got bigger every day), Megan, Austin, Karaya, Debi and Victoria all went for breakfast at Stagedoor. This silly french couple kept taking pictures of us all through our meal too. Ha!

So we went back to the con and hung out while the boys played Warcraft cards. What should happen but our group got even BIGGER!

No, the FDNY didn't come with us :(

So happened after that? Well a surprise MC Chris show, of course. Well, we were surprised anyway, and I think we surprised him by asking him to wear tropigalia's bow :)

So after a while our group split and we went to get food. Poor Debi was so droppy and shaky and hungry that I shared my kabob with her and we trekked to more foods. We went to a place called Lindy's. It was sadly pretty bad. Not the food, the service and cleanliness. I mean, I went upstairs to the bathroom to change and a cockroach scurried by my clothes. Debi and I almost cried. It was nasty!

Well, after dinner we parted ways with everyone *sad* and went back to the hotel to get our bags and head to the airport:

We got there early/on time and come to find out our plane is delayed half an hour. Lame. We start boarding at the time they say we're to depart, then we spent 45 GODDAMN MINUTES on the tarmac behind 25 other fucking planes. I didn't get home until like 1:30 in the morning and if I hadn't asked for the day off from work I'm pretty sure I'd have gotten sick.

All in all a great weekend with fun people, new friends, old favorites and new experiences. There were other things that happened and if we hang out I'll tell you about them (like a dirty story Megan told at the bar and our "real New York Taxi experience") but for now my wrists are cramping and I'm hungry and fuck.


Videos slowly being added :)

tokyopop, epic post, gothic, nycc, fashion show, megan maude, gothic lolita, new york, lolita, la dauphine

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