(no subject)

Nov 17, 2005 09:08

I know I haven't posted in a few days so here's the update. Nothing.

Ha! We actually got our teacher to postpone our French test by one class but we had to promise to stay an extra hour for two classes. We don't care. We love that class. We're just not ready for this test. We spent all last night studying.

Next week will be my first Thanksgiving away from my mother. I've always brought people to my house for Thxgvng. When I was with Drew we even went to my mom's first and then went to his place. Well, we're going to Alexandria with Ryan's family. I'm excited. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is his one sister saying stupid uneducated things like she always dose. Oh wait, that's right! She'll be in Oklahoma! Ha! Perfection!!!

Today I'm going to clean my room and get all my shit together and maybe even try to come up with some more donateable stuff. Maybe I could even sell some stuff on ebay. Anyone out there a size 9-11? I have a sushi print sundress I made that I could part with for $30! It doesn't fit me. i wore it one time for Thanksgivng 4 years ago and then i got fat but it was cute while it fit! If anyone wants it I can send pics or post pics on bc_elegant.

Oh, did I forget to say I made a community? Yeah, it's mostly so I can see what other people are doing and post contests and have people be interactive with my updates. Join it!

I finally get paid tomorrow and it all has to go to rent. That I should have paid. Two weeks ago. I have to pay my phone late. Blah. I hope I can make sure to get everyone good presents. If only school money came in Novemeber! Or even December!!!

Today I also have to finish my fastweb scholorship stuff. Thank gawd I'm black and have athsma and like girlsa. Thank you freakish exterior!!!

And lest we forget...HAPPY POTTER COMES OUT TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!! I'm so excited! I'm going with Kat, Miguel and someone else who I don't remember and my friend Jess from Arts high who i haven't seen since graduation. Yay! She's the cutest!!! But holy crap! Goblet of Fire. Yeah, that's right, I've read it 5 times. It's my fave HP book and one of my top 10 fave books of all time. Wicked is in there too :)

So, BTW, who wants to see Wicked with me when it comes to MN?

Okay, i guess that wasn't nothing. That was something :) I'd better stop slacking. It's already 9:18am!

community, ebay, money, thanksgiving, school, harry potter, goblet of fire

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