(no subject)

Jul 03, 2010 08:59

My brother posted this amazing review of M. Night Shamwow's latest abortion and it took all of my power not to LOL while my roommate is sleeping.


The comments are pretty great, too:

"I saw the movie last night and I thought it was awesome -- and I told my friend how awesome i thought it was -- he slapped me in the face and said "you've obviously never seen the show" hes right I havent-- but now im curious enough to at least check it out."

"I awoke this morning with a strange realization, probably stemming from io9's review.

M. Night has us all fooled. He doesn't want us to watch movies. He wants us to watch his career. The setup is all there: brilliant director creates a name for himself and subsequently destroys it. His career IS the movie, and we're living the twist. He is a true visionary and performance artist willing to live through shame and dishonor to bring us the most authentic biopic of all time. "

"I am a huge fan of the TV series.

This movie was shiteous.


"This... this is the best review I have ever read. By anyone. Of anything. Ever."

airbender, avatar

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