Mar 24, 2010 08:43
I'm annoyed. I'm planning this retreat and no one is registering. Thing is, yeah I get the price point is spendy, but when you break down a convention, it's about the same. This INCLUDES a [very fancy] room and a roommate, 2 meals (one very fancy, thank you), programming, and a dessert reception. People think a convention is cheaper because they aren't paying everything together. They pay registration, then hotel, then food. If you are the kind of stupid otaku who sleep 15 to a room and beg money off people to eat pocky and ramen, this retreat is obviously not for you. But since most people with reasonable expectations of comfort generally sleep 4 to a room and eat properly and buy registration pay about this for three days of existing somewhere that isn't home.
I'm not doing this to make money, I'm doing to it bring people together. I will likely lose money on this venture. And I think it is a little selfish to ask me to lower the ticket price or make me feel bad for charging as much as I am. Want to go but don't have money and you know your friends are being stingy, tell them you want to go and it depends on the people who can afford it.
Want to know why I have a reserve deadline? I can afford my room, but there is no point in my reserving it if no one else does because as the person running it I need to put down a deposit of over $1000. I don't need to tell you the total amount, but not only do I not have it, I won't have it unless we get a reserve. I like organizing stuff. You liked Kakkoicon right? Yeah, us too. I love to bring people together and plan events and have fun.
Please help me do this event.
Once we get our 10 people the next reserve isn't until August, so those of you waiting will be okay, but if you can afford it, please do it.
Wish me luck everyone, I hope we can do this. I'm hoping for like 50 people for the event as a whole. That would be neat :3
elegant wonderland,
mn rufflebutts