
Jan 04, 2010 08:43

  • Quit eating fast food again. To be honest I'd stopped in 2001 or so and started up again about a year into dating Ryan because he eats a lot of it and was paying. Then I'd just eat it an not think. So now, if it has a window and isn't Caribou, I won't be eating it.

  • Get down to below 200 lbs. I'm not asking a lot. Not the 80 I should lose. All I want right now is the realistic goal of being under 200 lbs.

  • Try out for Project Runway season 8. This time for sure.

  • Travel a lot. Up my convention schedule. Make enough money to pay all of my bills instead of just some of them off of my convention sales.

  • Get into a more mainstream magazine. Just one. I'm realistic.

  • Continue working hard and trying to make the customers happy :)

  • Take more time for myself and don't feel bad about having to say no.

  • Have a happy marriage!
  • new year resolution

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