Hank: I can't find African America anywhere [on this globe]!

Nov 06, 2008 13:26

"Sarah Palin wasn't aware that Africa was a continent and she and her brood behaved like a band of "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," aides to Republican John McCain are telling prominent news organizations.... She also didn't know the three countries that are in the North American Free Trade Agreement, namely Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."

I think this idiotic princess has done a lot of damage to women in politics, and maybe to women in general. What a creature. Thank the stars McCain didn't let her give a concession speech (it apparently isn't customary for VP candidates to speak on election night, but she wanted to wink, wiggle and 'pew-pew' her way in there).

When I read that McCain's "campaign insiders say they became queasy with the growing knowledge that Palin was desperately unqualified and ill-prepared to be a heartbeat away from the presidency", (something the most of us seemed to detect immediately) I fervently hope I never see her again. I really hope the stories keep coming from the McCain people, so there's no chance of her being tarted up in 2012 as the next Reagan. And that even Joe Six-Pack & Soccer-mom see through her.

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