okay so i haven't updated in a while....I got lots of pix so i'll juss keep this short...i know u guys juss wanna see the pictures N E WAYS!!!
Talent Show Pre-Views were today..Good 1st period..sucked 3rd...BOMB 6th...I can't wait til tomorrow night for the actual show!!
Afterwards i hung out w/ Holly and Heather which was HILLLAAARRIOOOUSSS...we were outside in front of her Apt. dancing and acting like we were in music videos..Heather Doll was not playin, she was really gettin it!! lol
I know these r late but heres pix from our LAST football game...
Lol @ Heather tryin to put her sweater on (her head wouldnt go through) be4 the football game
Me N Heather leaving b4 the football game
Me and my friends @ the game
Bo Thoomas and Anthony
The Talent Show Previews
Erica, Jumill, Me, Erin,&Ari
Elaina, Erin N Me
Us waiting to go on...
Lol everybody was worn out after the 2nd performance
Later on that night w/ Holly and Heather lol
Lol @ Heather dancin on top of her car
Isn't she puuuuuuuurtttttty??? lol